Part 25

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"Wait are you sure that's what Alexandra said," I heard Isla say as I walked past the science room where the whole group must have been sitting and Megan joined them for the rest of lunch. I guess that I couldn't tell her anything because she would just tell everybody. When I walked into my math classroom down the hall I had tear stains down my face. A few minutes later Megan walked in and glanced over at me set her head straight and walked past me.

I should have guessed what kind of person she was before I tricked myself she was a good friend. I got through class okay luckily it was my last class of the day. When the bell rang I picked up my binder, slung my bag over one shoulder and walked out of the classroom. Of course, Megan was behind me calling my name trying to run to catch up. while shoving her calculator and her pencil case in her backpack.

I couldn't stand to look at her so I just sped up a little bit and then when I got to the parking lot sped down the stairs to where my mom was waiting in the car hopped in and left Megan in the dust. For once she was the one ditch instead of being ditched. Maybe she can get a taste of her own medicine hopefully it was extra sour. I had finished all my homework during my first break that day so I had time to hang out with Daniel so I texted him. 

He said that he could for a little bit so we met outside. I told him everything that happened with Megan that day. It felt good to tell someone that I knew I could trust because I tell him things before I tell anyone else and he is a really good listener. It makes me feel like the worst girlfriend though because he was always there for me but I was never there for him. I wish that there wasn't so much going on in my life all at once.

We talked for a little bit longer and then when it got dark he had to go inside to eat dinner. He walked me to my house. He hugged me goodbye and whispered in my ear, "Alex you really need to get a therapist who can help you through all this better than you." I stepped back, "That's a discussion for another time. See you tomorrow." I really wanted to be a better friend to him but the only way would be to pretend that all this bad stuff going in my life stopped.

I could do this but then look what happened with Megan when I stopped telling her things. I could try it for a week and then if things went bad then I would change it back. I couldn't believe that we have been together for 9 months. The only other person to be my friend for this long was Megan but she wasn't a good one so if she really thought that he was bad for me she should look in the mirror first.

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