Part 12

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When Jake and I had finished our conversation he hugged me which made me feel really weird because I knew that Daniel was watching and so I was kind of trapped because I didn't want Jake to think anything was wrong. I didn't think that I was ready for Jake to find out because that probably would end in more hurt feelings and a lot more yelling because he would know that I had blown him off on purpose.

Jake let go of me. I asked him if he wanted to hang out with us and he said,"Sure." As we walked back he said,"Hey, nice dismount earlier I saw you launch off the swing and I was sure that something as perfectly executed as that couldn't have a perfect landing but I was wrong." I cringed it felt weird because I knew that Daniel could hear it too and from the look on his face he felt the same and when he saw my face he gave a half smile.

"This whole situation is messed up," I thought to myself. I remembered that I should probably respond to Jake so I just told him,"Thanks." Finally, later that night after a lot of awkward moments for me and Daniel Jake went inside. "I get what you're saying about him Alex," Daniel said."He could be a problem," he continued. "Yeah him and my parents," I said not thinking about them until now.

What did I do? Screw myself up is exactly what I did. Hopefully, Daniel knew how to keep things quiet. I think that I was good as long as he and my brother didn't get to be really good friends which wouldn't happen if Daniel didn't like sports. "I don't even understand what he was so mad about. You wanted to skateboard earlier and then..." Daniel said confused.

"Exactly he was mad because I wanted to skateboard instead of ride bikes at the time and so apparently next time I have to blow him off I have to do the same thing all day," I said really sarcastically because that was not going to happen but I was going to have to be more careful to stay away from him and spending lots of time with Daniel. "Why didn't he want to skate with you?" Daniel asked. "He doesn't know how to," I replied.

"Guess who does know how to skateboard though," Daniel said pointing to himself. "Probably not as good as you though. The way you controlled your board made you seem like you have been skating your whole life," Daniel said. I was shocked,"Actually I have only been skateboarding for two years." Now he was shocked,"Alex you're joking!" I laughed,"Not really. I was terrified of skateboarding until about a month after I got it."

I continued,"I had a really hard time because I felt like I had to hold onto something so my friends walked next to me and held my hands and then the other times I was alone I picked up leaves and held onto them. It was really strange." He was really shocked now,"Alex you're a natural on that thing. I would never have guessed that you were ever terrified of them. I have been skateboarding for eight years and could never look like you did today." 

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