Part 24

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When I went into homeroom on Monday I sat down next to Sara. Ever since this disaster happened I sat next to Sara in homeroom. Something weird was going on this morning though because when I sat down this morning she asked me if I wanted to talk to Megan and a bunch of other questions about what happened. I told her that I would be open to talking with Megan and answered her questions but asked her why she was asking me all these questions.

She said that Megan had talked to her and said that she really missed me and wanted to talk to me. I had tried to talk to her before and nothing had changed and now she wanted to talk to me. I just wanted this year to be over so that I could get away and have a new start at a new school. I guess that it would be good to just listen to Megan see what she wanted and had to say. Maybe she wanted to be friends again but it was too late I was done with her.

Sara said that Megan wanted to talk at lunch I had nothing better to do so I agreed that. When I sat down she said,"I'm really glad that you agreed to do this." I just shook my head and said,"Yeah." Megan started by asking me how Daniel was. I told her he was fine. She just said that she was really sorry for everything that happened between us. I said that I was sorry too. She just said that it felt like I didn't want them to know anything about Daniel.

She said that they just wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to hurt me because they knew nothing about him and they were worried about me. "So none of you trusted me to make my own decisions?" I asked. "No, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry it's just that we don't know how he's going to treat you or like if he's going to get you into doing bad things with him," she said. "I understand now," I told her.

"So like expanding on the bad things part has he made you do anything you haven't wanted to?"  was her first question. "No, not really," I responded. "Have you done anything to harm yourself?" was her next question. "Actually I have after we stopped being friends I became anorexic and a few other things that I think are a bit more obvious," I told her. She kind of sat there thinking for a little bit.

"Why Alex? I mean you never used to be a bad girl, keep your grades up and stay out of trouble. Then this summer you go meet some hot guy and become this completely different person. I just don't know Alex like if you should really be dating him," she said.  I just sat there because I knew she had more to say. "Have you slept with him?" was her next question. I said that I had but I she had already heard that it wasn't what she thought so I had to explain every last detail to her.

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