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"Ehh?! So you mean to tell me that what happened yesterday was all real?!" Asked Alexi as her eyes widen slightly.

Mahiru nodded his head. "Yeah...thats what Kuro told me.." he stated as he pointed to the blue haired male who was playing his video game.

Kuro sighed a bit as he rubbed his eyes. "Ahh....don't you two have school today?" He asked as he rose a brow.

Alexi and Mahiru blinked a bit as they looked at Kuro.

Then their eyes widen as they ended up yelling.

"AHHHHH! HOW COULD WE FORGOT?!" They both yelled as they ended up just fixing themselves quickly. Grabbibg their bags and Mahiru grabbed Kuro.

Soon the two ran out of the apartment.


"Sakuya!" Mahiru yelled as he opened the door to their classroom.

"Huh?! Mahiru?!" Sakuya asked confused. He then notice Alexi standing behind him.

"Alexi?! I thought you two where gonna skip school today!" Sakuya stated.

"Ehh!?" They both stated as they looked at him. Soon they shook their heads a bit.

"Ahh! Where's Ryusei?!" Alexi asked as she looked around.

"Huh?....well...about that.." he paused for a moment acting all gloomy and all causing Mahiru and Alexi to panic.

"Sakuya! Catch!"

Suddenly a roll of tape was thrown towards the green haired male's direction.

Looking over it was Koyuki and Ryusei.

"Ryusei! Your still alive!" Alexi stated.

"Huh? Well I guess you two decided to come in after all...and yes of course im alive idiot.." Ryuseu stated as he flicked on Alexi's forehead. "Ow!" She whined rubbing her forehead.

"Ow!ow! Ow!!" A voice yelled.

Looking over they saw Sakuya getting beat up by Mahiru.

"Im sorry! Im sorry! But you got to be honest! Your faces were hilarious!" Sakuya explained.

Now Alexi had decided to join in stepping on Sakuya's back.

"Ahhhh!!!! Help!!!!" Yelled Sakuya.


"I can't believe that they don't remember...." Alexi stated whining.

Mahiru hummed in response as he walked beside her. He was about to say something but two voices had interrupted him.

"Quit moving!"

"Ahh! Your taking to much space! Move!"

"You move!"

"Ahh! Im hungry! Hey brat! Give me blood!"

That voice....it belonged to Belkia.

Mahiru opened his bag and saw Kuro having been compressed against Belkia.

"Huh?! What are you doing here?!" Mahiru asked as he took out the doll and Kuro jumped out of the bag as well, which lead to him landing on the females head.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | SERVAMP Where stories live. Discover now