Chapter 5: Pain of Watching

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~Atticus POV~

I looked at the sleeping body next to me and was dreading waking him up. I wasn't ready to watch him go into surgery. I didn't want to. I don't want the pain of watching and not knowing of the outcome. "Deano it's time." I said kissing his bare back.

"I know." He groaned turning over in the bed to face me. He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "It's going to be okay." He said making me nod and smile.

We both sat up and I walked downstairs to Seth awake on the couch. "You sure you're good with the kids today?" I asked.

"I got it baby sister, it can't be that hard."

"Whatever you say big brother."

I grabbed my coffee and then went back upstairs where I changed out of my pjs. I put on his merch shirt, some leggings, and sneakers. I wrapped my hair up in a messy bun and then walked out of the bathroom after putting on my reading glasses. "I don't we've ever been up this early not for WWE." Dean said walking into the bedroom.

"I know it's weird. Being up at three for the hospital and not a flight is really strange."

I turned to see him in a black shirt with some sweats. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and I took his hand as we walked out of the bedroom, down the staircase, and out to the car. "You can listen to whatever you want." I told him with a sigh.

"Oh really? I get control for once and not my wife? I should get hurt more often." He said plugging his phone in. I shook my head as he put on The Weeknd. I gasped. "He's growing on me." I smiled and sang along with the songs like Dean did with me.

We arrived at the hospital and waited in the waiting room until they called both of us in. He changed into a gown and I giggled. "I can see your butt." I said.

"Like you haven't seen it before."

He laid on the bed and I took his hand. "Mr. Ambrose we are going to be taking you in now. Mrs. Ambrose you may stay in here." The nurse said with others beside him.

"Jesus, the last time we were here you couldn't remember me." Dean said making me laugh. "I won't ever forget about you gorgeous."

"You're not dying now give me a kiss so you can get this over with." I said standing up just to bend over and give him a few quick kisses on the lips. "You're also wrong. I had two kids. I love you, Deano."

"I love you, Atty!" I said as they pushed him out making me giggle.

I picked my phone up from the window sill and facetimed Seth. "Hey kid." He said.

"Hey Sethy. How's everything?"

"Good. Mavis hates me but that's okay."

"Why does she hate you?"

"I let Carter watch Spongebob and Mavis got mad because she was going to watch Catfish so she isn't speaking to me."

"I'll text her. How's Maverick?

"He's sleeping right now but he's good. Deano go in yet?"

"Just did. Is it bad I'm so nervous?"

"It's okay to be nervous Atticus. Just trust me, he's going to be okay."

"I know. Well, I'm going to go get food and then probably come back and take a nap."

"Alright. Text me when he gets out so we can go and visit him."

"I will."

I hung up and then a nurse came in to set up a machine for him. "Am I able to leave and then come back?" I asked her.

"Of course. If they don't let you in just ask for me and I will confirm it."

"Your name is?"

"Nurse Harbor but please called me Fiona."

"Thank you, Fiona."

"You know it's true love when the man can't stop talking about his girl even all drugged up."

"Dean talked about me?"

"Oh yes very highly too. He kept saying how beautiful you are, how you're a great mother, and how you changed his life for the better, just sweet things after we inserted the drug in his system."

I smiled before walking out. I walked across the street to Taco Bell and got myself four doritos locos tacos. I finished the third one as I was walking into the hospital. I back up to the room and fell asleep in the chair waiting for Dean.


"Mrs. Ambrose." I sat up and saw the nurse in front of me.

"Oh hey Fiona."

"They are going to be bringing Dean in any minute. Just wanted to make sure you were ready. Also, I have a question for you?"


"What would you like for dinner? I get on break in a bit you don't want hospital food trust me. Also, I know you want to stay with you're husband."

"No it's fine you don't have to."

"I want to."

"Well if you don't mind I would really like some pizza."

"You got it."

She left as they were bringing him back. They laid the bed against the wall and I walked to it after texting Seth. "Um doctor are our kids allowed up here? They really want to see him." I asked.

"Of course."

He walked out and some nurses remained hooking him into this. "Hi baby." I said taking his hand.

"Hey Atty. Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He said giving me a small smile.

"I don't think you ever have." I brushed his hair softly back and played with it a bit.

"Well, you're really pretty?"

"Thanks Deano." I brushed his hair back and kissed his head.

"Are the kids coming?"

"They should be here in a few minutes."

"Good because I would love to see Carter."

"She wants to see you too, Dean."

He gave me a weak and small smile before we heard the yells of Carter yelling daddy. "Hey Cart." He said when she came to the side of the bed I was sitting on.

"How are you daddy?"

"I'm good bub. Just tired is all."

"Well good because now we can take a nap together."

She went to climb in the bed and I pulled her down. "Before you get in bed with daddy he needs to chill for a little bit okay?" I explained kneeling next to her.


"Here's your baby." Seth said handing me Maverick.

"Was he good?" I asked.

"My favorite baby." He said kissing his forehead making me smile.

Age of AtticusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin