Chapter 32: Practically Choking On My Cookie

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After Dean walked away, I decided I was going to watch the screen and wait for him to return but after many texts and calls he finally replied and said to just watch the show.

I shook my head as I stood in my attire still. I had to make my way to the ring as they were honoring Rousey tonight for her win last night.

I walked out with Nikki considering she is my best friend in the whole world. "Dude Dean's haircut." She said and gave a thumbs up.

"It's weird but I like it." I said as we both high fives fans with Brie next to us.

I stood next to them as Steph went on before Rousey's music hit and she stepped in the ring after giving me a fist bump by the steps.

I watched as the segment went on until she turned to me. "Atticus. You girl have been breaking down barriers since you got here. Your brother is a huge superstar but you made sure you were known for what you can do and who you are. Hell, earlier you showed that you can kick anyone's ass. Including a mans. Then again does Dolph even count? But you kick a lot of ass girl and I have to say, I am quite the fan of yours."

I smiled and thanked her before Nikki rubbed my shoulder. It dragged on more until Rousey practically broke Steph's arm and all us woman besides the Riott Squad and Alexa, got in the ring with her. We celebrated her and the woman's domination in this sport and in every single thing we do.

Once I got backstage I still couldn't find Dean anyone so did what he said and just watched the show in catering with the twins. "So Mavis gonna work with you or Dean?" Brie asked.

"Maybe both of us. I feel like more so Dean though because he's a better teacher."

"How so?"

"He's a lot tougher and has a little bit more skill then I do. Plus, Mavis recently has been more attached to Dean so that will help too."

I heard familiar music and looked at the screen. Practically choking on my cookie as I saw my husband in his old attire and my brother in his.

I spit the cookie out and ran to the gorilla to watch the screens there. I watched them put Strowman through a table as chills rose on my body and happy tears filled my eyes. My guys were back together again.

Once I saw it had gone off the air I ran out behind the curtain and jumped in Dean's arms. "Stop keeping secrets from me!" I said and hugged him.

"Why? It's fun that way."

I smacked him upside the head before hugging my brother and Roman. "You guys gave me chills." I said pulling back as we arrived backstage.

"We knew you'd be so excited to see us back together considering you weren't even a name when we were the shield."

"Oh fuck off Seth. This is why I don't like you."

"You love me, ya lil shit."

"Dean seriously stop keeping things from me. It's not cool." I said after the guys walked away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy toes.

"I can't make any promises about anything in the WWE."

"Promise to keep no secrets from me."

"But the WWE-"

"Only if they tell you too and don't pull the damn excuse every time."

"What if it's a surprise I really don't want you to know about until the night it's suppose to happen?"

I sighed. "Fine you don't have to promise to keep anything from me in the WWE. Anywhere else you better swear."

"I do swear my dearest baby."

I kissed him and had him carry me out to the rental only to drive us to the hotel where we had the night to us.

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