Chapter 23: She's Going Through A Phase

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"Mavis I'm serious be back by midnight or you won't be allowed out again."

"Oh my god shut up dad." Mavis screeched at Dean before slamming the front door.

"Mavis midnight or you are grounded!"


The front door opened and Dean and I shot up immediately. We moved to the entry way to the front of the house through the kitchen to see her closing the door quietly. Dena cleared his throat and she turns with a jump. "Jesus you scared me."

"And your late again." He said unamused by the situation.

"I know I'm sorry. Mindy's care broke down."

"Mindy's car broke down last night too. And the night before that."

"And the week before that." I finished for Dean.

"You know, we give you a curfew so you can go have fun with your friends but you have to be home we know your safe. It's not a time given to when you should be back it's when you have to be back and because you've missed curfew multiple night you're grounded and are not allowed to leave this house for any reason what so ever and no one besides Steve maybe, is allowed in the house that's here for you."

"You've got to be shitting me? Come on dad you met up with my mom passed your curfew before you left her for someone else."

"Mavis don't even go there."

"Why because Atty doesn't know or is it because you're ashamed?"

"Shut up and go to your room now you're grounded Mavis." I said.

"You're not even my mom you can't tell me what to do."

"Well legally I'm your parental guardian and you live in my goddamn house. Get your ass upstairs now and don't say another word. The door stays open or I will rip off the hinges myself. I'm done with your shit lately. We've been very lenient with you and that's over with. Now go to bed."

I'm not gonna lie, her words hurt like a bitch. I know she's a teen though and she doesn't mean it. She's going through a phase. At least I think.

She stormed upstairs and surprisingly we didn't hear the door shut. "You alright Atty?"

"What the fuck was she talking about, Dean?"

"Oh come on it was in the past I was seventeen. I'm not dealing with this right now we have a rebellious and delinquent child on our hands."

"No Dean you do. You heard her. I'm not her mother I can't tell her what to do. But your husband and we tell each other everything you know the shit I've been grow so what the hell did you do to that poor girls mom?"

"I left okay? I had sex with her and left her for someone else. She tried telling me she was pregnant but I didn't listen because I didn't need that. I'm ashamed of myself because of it but I finally was happy again with you and now that that's out you probably think I'm gonna cheat on your too."

"I don't think you will but I wish you just told me this. Now go deal with her because I can't do this right now."

I walked down to the wine cellar and grabbed out the secret thing of Vodka we had and I shot that thing down hard and fast.


"Jesus Christ Mavis!" The yelling was making my head hurt and it was coming from upstairs. I realized I had fallen asleep in the wine cellar.

I walked upstairs and saw Dean and Mavis yelling back and forth. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked holding my heads

"Dads being an asshole!"

"Why because you went out passed curfew and can't do anything? Grow up Mavis seriously. It's only for a month it's not gonna kill ya."

"Yeah plus Steven is coming over today for Christ sake." Dean said.

"I want to go out with my friends tonight! I'm almost seventeen and I should be able to leave when I want."

"You don't have a car or your license and you live in our fucking house!" Dean yelled and I heard crying.

"Both of you Shut the hell up. You woke the baby up. Ah fuck! Mavis what has gotten into you?"

"My life and my issues aren't any of your concern!"

"They are because you're my fucking offspring and I wanna know why the hell you're acting like this!" Dean yelled even louder.

I went upstairs and picked up the baby as they continued to yell. "I'm sorry Maverick." I said starting to cry with him.

Mavis's actions and words lately have been breaking my heart. Even now she's been treating Steven is heartbreaking but the kids in love with her.

I heard a door slam and saw Mavis storm pass Maverick's room which meant Dean was going out for a drive.

I tried calling him after he was gone for a few hours but he never picked up. I sighed and walked in to Mavis's room to see it was empty and just in time to see her standing in the back of a topless Cadi. "Awe shit."

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