Chapter 34: Silence

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Silence. That's all that remains. The silence of the broken bond. Silence of the broken strength. Silence of the broke heart. Silence of the broken relationship.

•• Three Days Earlier ••

I walked downstairs to see what the kids were up to and saw Mavis, Carter, and Maverick all sleeping on the couch. I quietly turned the tv off and covered them up with blankets.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Dean on his phone. "What's for dinner tonight, Atty?" He didn't even look up to see me so I just went to the fridge. "You're still ignoring me? Come on it's been two weeks."

I heard shuffling coming from behind me and felt hands on my hips which caused me to stand up and shit the fridge. I turned around and crossed my arms across my chest. "I'm sorry okay? I've told you so many times. You know I love you and that I'm sorry."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have pushed me away and you would've paid attention to me noticing." I said pushing past him.

"Atticus, I'm not doing this again please let's just let things go back to normal. The kids are sleeping so let's go upstairs and have some time to ourselves."

"If I believe you, will you actually start being a good husband like you used to?"

"Of course."

So we went upstairs and made sweet sweet love before the kids woke up.

•• Two Days Earlier ••

Dean and I were preparing to start getting up early in the mornings again to wake the kids up for school. It's been making us go quite crazy actually. We've been grouchy but we both know that it's just because of lack of sleep.

Like this morning him and I were just eating breakfast and fighting but it's just lack of sleep. We made up afterwards and ended up cuddling before the kids got home.

•• One Hour Earlier ••

"Dean, where's the box I have of Peanuts stuff?" I asked when I heard the door open as I stood in the closet on a stool. "I thought it was in the closet with the kids baby albums but it's not. Did you move it?"

I didn't get an answer from him and I got out the closet to see him looking at the ground. "Dean?"

"Atticus I know where Peanut's stuff was."

"Okay where is it?"

"I said was."

"Okay so where is it now?"

"Um.." he was quivering and I was getting scared at where my dead nieces belongings are.

"Dean where are my nieces stuff?"

"So day when you were out with the kids Seth and I decided to have a cleaning of the house."

"Okay and where's the box that said 'Peanuts Stuff' and the date of her birth and passing on it?"

"Seth and I were taking boxes left and right. Only opening them a bit to see what was inside and we didn't see Peanut's box. We didn't realize it was in there until we couldn't find it and saw one of the flowers on it in the fire."

"You burned my dead nieces memory box? Are you fucking kidding me right now? How do you fucking do hat without knowing?"

"Him and I tried to save it but we couldn't. It was already ash and everything in it."

I couldn't believe it. My fucking husband and brother burned the most important things to me in the world to fucking dust. The tears prickled at my eyes and I just let them through.

"I'm so sorry Atticus." Dean said crying too.

He tried to walk to me to give me a hug but I pushed him away. "Don't fucking come near me right now. When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to hurt you and it happened four months ago."

"Four months ago?? You're fucking kidding me right? You promised me you would tell me anything and you wouldn't keep secrets from me but you just fucked broke that promise. This isn't okay Dean and this is absolutely bullshit. This is why you need to be a lot more careful with shit!"

"I didn't fucking know and I'm so sorry. Seth and I both are sorry. We didn't mean to do it."

"Well what else are keeping me Dean? You already burned the only thing I had to left of my best so what else have you kept from me huh?" He just looked down. "So is Renee who I think it is to you?" He looked up with his mouth open. His mouth suddenly closed and my eyes widened. "You're fucking cheating on me."

"Atty no I-"

"Don't fucking lie to me you've done enough damage already why not blow the broken on my face one last time."

He stayed silent for a few moments before sighing and talking. "It wasn't suppose to turn into anything like that. Something happened though when you were mad at me and I was so sad. She was there for me and I let her in."

"You're a fucking pig, Dean. I can't fucking believe you I actually thought you loved me and I thought you were loyal. How could you fucking do this to me?"

"I don't know! It just happened and I'm sorry. I do love you but I just...I don't know Atticus I'm really sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me but lately I've been fucking everything up for an unknown reason lately and I can't stop."

"Well I can't take it anymore. I can't forgive you for cheating on me. I can't love someone who doesn't love me back."

"I do love you. I love you so much and I don't know how to make it up to you or make you realize it."

I screamed and threw a vase on the ground, shattering it to pieces. I punched a hole in the wall from my frustration and was crying full on now. "I can't fucking believe you. We're married and you're only to love me and our kids. You're only suppose to have sex with me. You're only suppose to kiss me. I'm your one and only and you're my one and only. Guess that means nothing to you considering you found someone else."

"No she means nothing to me. It just happened once and -"

"It happened more than once Dean. Nikki told me she has seen you on multiple occasions going to hotels with her."

"Atticus she doesn't mean anything to me. You and the kids are my everything."

"Obviously fucking not!" I yelled throwing my glass of water at him. Soaking him and shattering against the wall.

"You're gonna fucking kill me or hurt me bad you throw more glass."

"You've already hurt me so why should I fucking care?"

"You're serious right?"

"You're seriously cheating on me and don't expect me to be beyond fucking pissed."

"I hate myself for cheating on you and burning Peanuts stuff but you have to believe me she means nothing to me."

"I don't believe you because you don't tell me anything and you lie. I don't fucking want to do this anymore Dean."

"Atticus please you can't."

"No I can and I will."

I grabbed the keys but Dean pushed me against the wall to try and stop me. "You fucking hurt me Dean and you won't see me or the kids again got it? You try to stop me and you won't see him ever again either." I threatened. He just stared at me.

Silence. That's all that remains. The silence of the broken bond. Silence of the broken strength. Silence of the broke heart. Silence of the broken relationship.

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