Chapter 27: Adventures

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Dean POV (oooo change in POV oooooo)

I picked Mavis up in the truck and drove us both home to an empty house. "Where's Cart, Maverick, and Atticus?"

"They fucking skeeted out of here quicker than you did leaving us on a man-hunt."

"Look dad-"

"No you're gonna listen to me. What the hell is up with you lately? Do you know how much shit you've put me and Atticus through? You've caused us so much stress and so much hurt that I hurt her earlier today. I emotionally broke her heart just like you did saying she wasn't your mother. She knows that's shit but you've been calling her mom since the fucking day we got married. So for her to hear that from us is bullshit. And who the fuck is Louis compared to Steven? I want answers Mavis to all of this behavior because my wife and kids aren't coming back until I get fucking answers."

"Answers to what dad? How are answers going to help you with Atticus. I really don't understand!"

"Because I'm pissed off at her because you don't tell me she and she knew you've been doing deeds since...gah god knows when!"

"So what? It's my life! If I want to do things I'm going to do them it's my decision."

"Well I want to be apart of it. Why did you run away and why were you cheating on Steven? Is he that bad?"

"Hell no he's great." I scowled and have an innocent look. "Okay I'm not having this conversation anymore with you."

"We're having this conversation now or us three are going to therapy and I know you don't want to because you're a fucking mini me." I paused and realize that her recent actions have followed mine with her mother. "No fucking way. You did what I did."

"What? Leaving the love of my life at a young age for someone who I don't even know? Yeah you're right. I fucking did. But I don't know why because I love Steven with all my goddamn heart but there is something about Louis being such a rebel that drew me to him."

"That's the type of person I left your mother for. I don't understand why history is repeating itself but without me and with my offspring."

"I don't know. The original reason I started with Louis was because Steven and I had a fight. I couldn't deal with him mad at me so I went to someone I knew wouldn't be mad at me for a bargain."

"Oh Jesus Christ you bargained your body off for attention. That's what prostitutes do. Oh my god!"

"Dad calm down I'm not a prostitute. I promise life's fucked right now okay? I don't know what to do with my life. I don't know where I'm going. I love Steven and I have so much fun with him but I'm looking for an adventure. Louis gave me that adventurous feeling I was longing."

"So what's it? You're just dump Steven like that after the beatings he's taken for you?"

"No I'm not leaving Steven. Him and I are going to talk this out later to make things better. I want us to work but he has to know when I get my license we're not staying here much longer. We're going out for adventures."

I smiled to see a girl knowing what she wants. "I support you anything but don't do anything like what I've done again please."

"God Mavis I hurt Atticus. I lied to her, I kept things from her, I said mean things to her. What am I gonna do?"

"Play the romantics up a bit. I have an appointment to get my license  I can drive the kids back to Steven's house."

"Yeah but how am I suppose to up the romantics? Atticus doesn't even like romance."

"So then do something she likes."

"She doesn't like me!"

"She loves you and you need to show her you're sorry, dad. Go get mom!"

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