Chapter 25: I'm Jumping Through The Window

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"Dean wake up." I said slapping his face as I parked the car in the driveway.

He popped up and hit his head off the top of the car. "Dammit."

"We're here babe."

"Atty are you going in wearing that?"

I looked down at the baggy sweater with a sleeve hanging off of my shoulder and leggings. "If you're worried with how I look right now in this situation I'm going to kick you in the balls." I said as we stood.

I held Steven's hand as we ran up the house driveway noticing the car I saw her ride away in. "They're here." 

"It's three am won't we wake them?" Steven asked.

"Knowing Mavis, she's awake."

"I'm jumping through the window." Dean said after I had spoken. I just opened the front door and he walked in.

We heard talking softly and walked of wear it was coming from. I stopped the boys and walked into the bedroom to see Mavis staring at me with fear as she was sitting on some guys lap. My jaw dropped and my welled with tears at the sight before me.

"What's going on Atty?" Dean asked.

"Is she in there?" Steven asked. His footsteps coming hard.

"Steven stop stay back!" I said Dean trying to grab him.

"Steven's here?" Mavis asks getting off of him but Steven had gotten out of Deans grasp and ran into the room. He saw the love bites on Mavis's neck and I could see how pale he suddenly got.

"How could c-" The poor kid couldn't speak.

I walked up behind him and hugged him before Dean came in and I could hear him shiver at the sight before him. Seeing his own daughter being seduced by a stranger to him. "Who the fuck is this guy, Mavis?"

"Who's asking?" The kid stood up and went toe to toe with Dean.

"Her father."

"I swear to God if she says I'm her daddy too I'm gonna kick him in the balls." I said hugging Steven closer to me as he sobbed.

The kid gulped loudly, getting intimidated by Dean. "I'm Louis. Nice to meet you dad."

"Oh shit."

Deans went form zero to a million real quick and I pulled away from Steven to pull Dean back from getting in trouble with the law for beating up a minor. "Mavis get in the car."

"No you're not my-"

"I know I'm not your fucking mother you've said it enough get your ass in the goddamn car or the police are coming into the house to arrest him for kidnapping you." I said holding Dean back with all my might.

She stared blankly at me and walked out. "Steven please go follow her and make sure she gets in the car." I said.

"Dean back the fuck up." He looks down at me with a look that sent chills down my spine. "You even think about punching that kid and we're done. As much as I fucking dispose the kid you cannot lay a finger on him or your ass is in prison. Back. The. Fuck. Up. Now."

Dean shrugged me off of him and I turned around knowing he was calm. "You need to go home kid and stay away from my daughter." Dean said.

"Fine but are you single?" He asked looking at me.

I kicked him in the balls and that sent him straight down to his knees. "Fucking prick."

Dean and I walked out with our emotions running high. Dean got in the car to drive us to the nearest motel while I called Steven's parents and told them everything and that we were stopping so to hold onto the kids a little longer.

We got a room and we forced Mavis into the bathroom and locked the door. Luckily, this room didn't have a window.


We arrived at Steven's house and I got out with Steven. Maybe leaving a pissed off Dean with his explosive offspring was a bad idea but I'm worried about this poor kid right now.

I walked inside with his emotionless body and his parents had hugged both of us. "I'm so sorry for Mavis I don't know what's going on and I don't know what I can do to make up for all the shit this kid has gone through for her I truly am sorry."

"It's not your fault. Just let us know if there's anything we can do. Though this is disgusting, we do love her and hope she's okay." Diane said.

I took Carter and Maverick and helped them into the car. Carter cried when she saw Mavis because she was worried sick and Mavis hugged her back as Carter sobbed.

Once we arrived home, Dean went upstairs and slammed the door while I went into Maverick's room and helped him fall asleep while Carter and Mavis took time to themselves.

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