Chapter 6: Delicate

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"Dad get back into the damn bed!" I heard Macis yell from upstairs. I groaned and walked upstairs leaving Carter with Maverick in the living room which isn't smart but I need to know what the hell is going on upstairs.

I walked into my bedroom and Mavis was yelling at Dean. "What is going on? Mavis I can hear you downstairs."

"Dad isn't suppose to leave the bed without help and when I walked in her was already out of bed."

"Dean where were you going?"

"I gotta piss. My daughter is not helping me with that."

"Mavis go downstairs and make sure Maverick is still okay."

"Why wouldn't he be?"

"Carter is with him."

"Oh." Mavis ran downstairs and I watched Dean slowly walk into the bathroom.

"So are you gonna help me pee, mama."

"Go to the bathroom, perv."

"I'm not a perv considering you're my WIFE!" He yelled the last part because I closed the door on him.

He opened the door and I watched him walk back to bed. "I don't know why I have to stay in bed. It's a goddamn shoulder injury." He complained.

"Dean you had surgery less than 24 hours ago. Just take it easy okay?"

"Fine. Can I at least listen T-Swift's new album?"

I shook my head and put the cd into the player before leaving. At one point from downstairs I heard Dean screaming the lyrics to delicate which caused me and the kids to laugh.

That song is perfect Den considering he is delicate right now but that man doesn't give a shit. He wants to be back in the ring. Obviously he's not going to be for about nine months. Huh, maybe this is his maternity leave.

I received a text from Dean asking if I would make him soup. I told him to suck a fat one and that I would make him soup. I walked it upstairs and he was half naked on the bed. He laid there in only the Calvin Klein's I got him for his birthday. "Dean put some clothes on Jesus Christ." I said putting the soup on the night stand.

"It got hot in here. I'd say it was the soup but we all know it's me."

"Wow and I thought you were trying to be smooth. Guess you were just trying to feed your ego."

"I don't even really want the soup. I just want you Atty."

"Dean?! I stopped watching That 70s Show to make your fragile ass soup!" I exclaimed rolling my ass.

"Yeah but my ass really just wants yours right here." He pointed to his lap and I groaned while rolling my eyes.

I picked up the fresh hot soup and walked towards the door. "Pig." I murmured and walked out of the room.

Dean kept texting me but I ignored him while I ate the soup. "Carter go help your father with whatever he needs."

"Why can't you mommy?"

"Because daddy's a dirty pig. Knock before you enter Incase he's naked."

Carter ran upstairs and Mavis turned her head to look at me. "Hey don't give me that disgusted look. At least I'm down here and not doing it with your father." I shrugged taking a spoonful of the soup.

"Mommy daddy needs you for something. He said he needs you to try a new lollipop for him."

"Tell your father he can shove it up his ass. You can swear but just this once Cart."

I paused the show and listened to their exchange. "Daddy, mommy says you can shove it up your ass."

I laughed along with Mavis we heard Dean scream. It wasn't until Carter had fallen asleep on the couch with Mavis when I went upstairs. Maverick was already in bed and had been for a long while.

I walked into my bedroom and saw Dean wearing sweats and a sleeveless shirt. "That's more like it. I like a man in clothes." I said shutting the door behind me.

"Yeah whatever."

"Oh come on Dean you're not actually delicate about me not giving you anything right?"

"No I'm not. I still love you. I just don't want you to miss out on all this."

"I'll be fine babe trust me."

I climbed into bed after putting on some shorts and one of Dean's merch shirts. "So when are you getting back into the ring? I gotta remember to watch."

"What? I'm not getting back in the ring after your injury. You can't even lift up a pillow for a little while. I'm not leaving you with baby and two girls."

"Oh come on, you've been waiting to get into the ring ever since you had Maverick. Your cute ass is getting in that ring. You and Seth are going to the gym tomorrow whether you like it or not Atticus Ambrose."

"No Dean. I am going to worry about you being okay first and being able to actually care for a children before I leave you for them."

"Atticus, if you don't get your ass in that ring within the next month, you're not getting anything from me for a few weeks."

"Dean, I can't anyway dipshit."

"Oh right. Well just go. Go to the training center tomorrow please. You can even have Mack come over tomorrow hole you guys go."

I pondered for a few minutes before nodding. "Fine I'll do it but only for you."

"Good and then you're gonna be in the ring for the Royal Rumble."

I shook my head and kissed Dean before turning the light out. "He asswipe I can't wrap my arm around you. We have to switch sides remember?"

"You don't have to hold me. Plus, you'll just try stuff anyway. I need a good nights sleep since I'm going training tomorrow."

"Stupid bastard." He chuckled.

"Stupid boy." I said before entangling our fingers together.

Age of AtticusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora