Chapter 36: One Year Later

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•• One Year Later ••

"Dean come on! It's coming on!" I yelled trying not to pause the tv.

"Wait for us!" Mavis yelled, holding Steven's hand as they walked in and jumped on the couch beside Carter and Maverick.

Dean ran in holding a bowl of popcorn and a soda. "You're the reason we have to stop watching things early because we start them late."

"Oh shut up and push play."

Dena showed up on the screen and we all cheered after we saw all of us. "Damn we have a good looking family."

"Yeah we do."

It showed all of us together and I smiled as the title of the documentary showed across the screen. "Age of Atticus." Dean shook my shoulder and nudged me in excitement.

You might be wondering why the fuck someone made a documentary about me. Well, it's about all the shit I went through not only this past year, but my childhood, my teen years, and everything so far that's gone to shit in my life. Just to fill everyone in on how I became the person I am and to never give up no matter what like I did.

I'm just happy I have my family and my husband throughout all of this.

Yeah it's a shitty last chapter but this is the final ending in the Atticus and Dean story. I thought that I was finished because I have put them through all that I could think of but I'm happy it came out the way it did. I'm very proud of these two books and they're like my children. I'm so thankful you all enjoyed it and loved it as much as I did writing it.
Please read my other stuff too because it would be nice and if you like my writing you can check out my other stuff.
Thank you all to who have read this and I want to thank rawisrollins because shes been through this with me since the beginning and she's my best friend.
I'm also very thankful because I've spoiled the book for her like six times with ideas 😂

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