Chapter 11: How Could I Forget a Baby?

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"Hopefully that many fans still want to see me in the ring." I said after we finally got through the fans who wanted pictures with all of us when we got off the plane.

"If they still want your autograph and picture, then they'll want you in the ring, babe."

I shrugged and walked to the drivers door to open it but Dean closed it. "You didn't sleep that flight at all. Get in the passengers side."

"Fine but if you kill me, you're gonna die."

"Is that a promise?" He asked with a smirk.

"You know it."

I walked to the other side of the car and he put his hand on my thigh. "Dean I would prefer if you drove with your right hand instead of your left please?"

"You're too paranoid but fine." He caves and I put my hand on the back of his head as he drove us to the hotel in the snow.

We got there and checked in getting to our room. "When's the meeting with creative?" He asked.

"Just a few hours. It's at ten."

"So we can get four hours of sleep."

"No baby it's five I'm not going back to bed you know I'll end up sleeping until we have to be there."

"Alright fine. Then I'm staying up with you. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go get some breakfast."

"Where nothing's open this early?"

"Babe, did you forget about McDonalds?"

"Alright fine. Let's go."


"So the plan is for you to come back as entry number thirty in the Royal Rumble and win. Then you're going to team up with your brother Seth for the mixed tag tournament."

"Sounds good."

"Dean you'll be playing stay at home dad." Hunter jokes causing me to chuckle while Dean rolled his eyes.

"Yeah don't remind me. It's good to see at least one of us in the ring though so it's fine."

I smiled and put my hand on his knee. "We will see you by the end of this month." Steph said before we concluded the meeting.

Dean and I walked out holding hands before we entered the car. "So that's that. You're gonna be a mega star and I'm a stay at home dad."

"Yeah but I'm not sure how comfortable I feel with that Dean."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" He asked a little shocked at my words.

"Well you've been a stay at home dad. There's a routine when school starts again in just a few days and I don't want to mess with it."

"I'm not gonna mess with it. Just show me everything I need to do."

"Yeah but Dean?"

"What love?"

"You have to wake up at seven to have them to school. Mavis knows to wake her and Carter up but they can't wake you up. Maverick also has to go with you so you CANNOT forget the baby at home."

"How could I forget a baby?"

"Dean remember when I told you to take Maverick to his doctors appointment and you got all the way there without the baby?"

He sat silent and then frowned. "Alright it won't happen again."

I nodded. "On Monday when the kids get back to school, I will help you learn the routine."

"Sounds good. I'll be awake."

"We'll see."

We arrived back at the hotel room and Dean decided it was a good time to tease me. The boy was wrong.

We got some noise complaints but nothing Dean didn't settle with a picture for the fans next door and got us into a new room on a vacant floor.

Sometimes I'm lucky to have a needy husband like him but times like this it's ridiculous but worth it ya know?

This isn't my best chapter but it's something right? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Sorry it's bad. Anyway, I'm sorry this sequel is long overdue! I hope you're enjoying it!

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