Chapter 14: Flying Tortilla

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Hey guys it's in Dean's POV again! Also kinda have a question. If I do a Mavis POV and what her life is like in school, would you want that or more of that? Let me now. Back to Deano being a stay at home dad.

"Daddy daddy daddy!" Carter yelled as I stood at the counter making breakfast.

"Whatty whatty whatty." I said getting slightly frustrated with my kid.

"I don't want to go to school today. I want to stay home and watch movies or we can do see a movies yeah that's better. Let's go see a movie daddy." Carter said getting excited.

"Cart, you have to go to school. You can't skip out."

"But mommy lets me when we want to go see a movie together."

"I highly doubt that considering your mother told me not to keep you home from school unless your throwing up or dying."

"Dammit mom."

"What did you just say Carter?" I asked stopping the pancakes.

"Dammit? Mommy says it all the time. So do you."

"Atticus needs to watch her damn mouth." I stopped and threw my head back realizing it was both of us. "Just go get your backpack."

Mavis walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread and put it in the toaster. "Mavis I'm making pancakes." I said.

"Dad, I don't want pancakes. I just want toast."

"Why? You love my chocolate chip pancakes."

"Yeah I do but not right now."

"Mavis you haven't for the passed few days. Is something going on?"

"No nothings going on." She snapped making me realize that something is going on and she lied to me. I'm gonna blame Atticus for the lying too.

I grabbed Maverick before getting in the car and driving the girls to school after breakfast. Mavis got out and slumped her head causing me to wonder what was going on.

I called Atticus on the way home. "Hey babe." She said with a tired voice. "Is everything alright?"

"Um I'm not sure. Have you and Mavis talked lately?"

"No why?"

"Atticus, she's not eating dinner, only eats toast, and is staying away from junk. She made Steven by her fruits to bring home and she has barely touched them."

"How long has it been going on for Dean?"

"About three days maybe?"

"Well do you think she's starving herself or it's stress?"

"I don't know, Atty. I'm worried though."

"I'll call the school then and see if they can have someone just check on her and stuff. Alright?"

I nodded and stayed silent. "Dean?"


"She'll be okay."

I hummed and then told Atticus goodbye and hung up the phone. This family eats a lot and since Mavis isn't, I'm worried beyond worry.

I got home and chilled with Maverick in the living room with some of the camera crew as we watched Baby Eisenstein. Maverick's favorite.


I walked into the school and saw Carter sitting in the office chair outside the office. "Carter what did you do?" I asked pretty pissed off.


I glared at her and she just put her hands up. I already know what she did but I'm just gonna play dumb until we get in there.

"Carter and family?" The principle said glaring at Carter and I. We walked in and I set the baby on my lap as he was gumming my finger to the core. "Mr. Ambrose, Carter today thought it was funny to swear during recess and teach the other kids how to say the words and what they mean."

"Carter really?"

She giggled and I rolled my eyes. "It means she's hearing it around the house and we don't accept that kind of language spoken at home or hear with our students. If she does it one more time she's out of the school."

"Excuse me? You can't kick a five year old out of school. She's five for Christ Sake. Five! She doesn't know words right from wrong yet. Atticus and I don't have the best language but we're not gonna hold back just because they're young. They're gonna hear it sooner or later in their lives I'd rather them be immune to hearing it rather then gasping every time someone says 'shit.' I have a teenager who swears also but actually told me she heard it from one of her teachers. Even though she was immune to hearing it because Atticus and I swear all the time. It's who we are and honestly I don't give a flying tortilla! See look I can censor myself when I deem it necessary."

The principle sat in shock and just shook her head. "Mr. Ambrose I'm sorry but we do not tolerate this behavior from a student or a parent. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and Carter will no longer be in this school."

"That's bullshit! You wait until Atticus gets home." I said taking Carter and the baby before storming out.

I called Atticus and told her everything. Now, she's on the next flight out. She said she left her shit in the hotel room because she'll have to fly back but; I don't know if I want her to leave again.

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