Chapter 8: Screamed Like a Little Girl

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"Well look who decided to finally show up."

"Oh shut up, At. I was picking up the food you asked for."

"The food I requested before you were suppose to arrived here thirty minutes ago."

"So I left a little late, what's the big deal?"

"Oh maybe I've been sitting here for THIRTY MINUTES." I raised my voice and looked at my late brother. He's late to so many things. It's so goddamn frustrating.

"Chill Atticus. Jesus, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm low on sleep."

"Why? Hasn't Maverick outgrown that phase?"

"It's not the baby it's Dean."

"So it is the baby?"

"Oh shut up." I sat on the apron as my brother approached me. "He's been waking up in a lot of pain at awful hours of the night. I would give him the medicine but you know Dean and how handsy he gets when he's tired. How clingy he gets all loopy. Things just haven't been easy."

"It's alright baby sister. We don't have to work out today. We can just go see a movie."

"Yeah but Dean will be pissed at me."


"Because he wants to go to the movies with me and forbids me from going with anyone else."

"Seriously? This man is high-maintenance."

"Tell me about it. The bastard asked me to make him a milkshake at eleven thirty at night. His reasoning was 'I didn't get dessert.' Like bitch no."

"But did you do it?"

"Of course I did he's my husband and I do everything for him-oh my god."

"Yup. There ya go baby sister. Instead of being Dean's bitch make him yours."

"Seth he's in bed for a few more days. Also, I feel bad."

"You didn't feel bad when I had to get stitches in my forehead from you throwing a steel pipe at me. Or the time I was on crutches for months because you went through my foot with the metal cleats in Dicks. Hell, you laughed with Uncle Phil."

I laughed remembering that time. "Ha it was really funny. You screamed like a little girl."


"Guys I'm home!" I announced walking through the door.

"Mom, Carter is upstairs. She was throwing up."

"Oh no."

When Carter gets sick it's awful. She cries a lot and doesn't stop. I feel bad for her. I walked upstairs into her room and saw her hunched over her in bed in pain. "Carter you alright baby girl?" I asked going to rub her back.

"Momma it hurts."

"Your stomach?" She nodded and I let her lay on my lap all curled up. I rubbed her back and kissed her head. "It's alright Cart. I'll go get the heating pad, some water, and tums okay? How many times have you thrown up?"

"About seven. And and and, I threw up but nothing came out."

"You dry heaved babe."

"Yeah that. Momma I don't want to be sick." She started to cry and I kissed her head again.

"It's okay Cart it'll be over before you know it. I'll go grab the stuff and be right back."

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed the things for Carter. "Dean I'm gonna sleep in Cart's room?"


"Because she's sick and you know how she doesn't want to be alone."

"Oh alright. Tell her to feel better."

"I will."

I walked into her bedroom and saw her sniffling with her head in a bucket. "Here gumdrop." I said, handing her the things I told her I would bring.

I touched her forehead and she clearly had a fever. "I'm gonna get you a cold towel alright?" She nodded before I left to downstairs. "Mavis why wouldn't you call me?"

"Because I was taking care of the baby."

"Where's your phone?"

"Ugh, Carter broke it. She threw up all over and tried to clean up but shattered it to pieces. I got the SIM card out but the phones in the trash." Mavis answered causing me to cringe.

"Alright. I'll take you to the store tomorrow when I take your father to the doctors for his check-up."

"Who's gonna stay with Carter and Maverick?"

"I'll have to call Seth."

"Mom, Uncle Seth isn't gonna want to stay with a sick kid and a baby."

"He'll do it because your uncle is my bitch."

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