Promise me

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As promised the new chapter. A little on the short side but I think it has everything i wanted it to say. if you havent noticed i added a pic of Michelle to the previous chapter-more cast to come later. will be working on it throughtout the week-hopefully you will see a post or two by the weekend.

Enjoy dont forget to Vote and/or comment




Ever get feeling when you wake up as though you've been sleeping for hours but it couldn't have been for more than a few minutes. This was me now, I knew I wasn't dead but what I couldn't know is how long was that going to last.

I was pinned down into my seat, by the looks of it the ceiling was pressed inwards. I tried to right my body, maybe if I pushed, I could manage to squeeze myself out, but it wasn't working.

After about another minute of being sandwiched I decided to try sliding out through the bottom-it was a very tight fit and my blazer caught on the edge of something and ripped-whatever it was, it was sharp and managed to pierce my skin. I could feel the sting of the scrape and the slight trickle of blood running down my arm but paid no more attention to it.

After managing to free myself I realised standing upright would be quite a feat, so I chose remain in a crawling position and started to move forward, at least I think I was moving forward. Feeling tired, I stopped moving to try and find my bearings I could feel a slow migraine building up in my head but I shook it off.

The lights were flicking on and off rapidly, but it was not needed as the cabin was lit up by another source of light. At first I thought it must be someone coming to rescue the surviving-but I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't hear anything at all-and then I remember all the people on the plane-the screams. In that moment I began to really see the state of cabin-I could see bodies everywhere-arms hanging over armrests-unmoving; I couldn't hear the moans of anyone who might possible be alive; would there be anything to rescue. The cabin felt hollow with nothing but the sound of the lights flicking on and off and the sound of my own breath. My eyes begun to sting with unshed tears-I was suddenly cold and felt terribly alone in the whole world. I sat back, leaning against the aisle seats with my legs slightly stretched out across the aisle; I decided that I would succumb to the tiredness, as I sat there I thought that this must be it-what it feels to slowly shut down.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, quite possibly for the last time , the lights flickered and something caught my eye. A doll. A cabbage patch doll and a flood of memories came back.

Michelle! I screamed her name in my head and with a burst of strength I didn't realise I still possessed I moved towards the doll. I remembered that we weren't so far apart but the problem was that she was on the other side. The entire middle row was destroyed I couldn't even see over to the other side. I collapsed to the floor hoping that I could squeeze under the seats as I had done earlier but no such luck-I wouldn't be able to fit through that tight space. My best option was to keep moving forward and hope that I could find a way to cross over. As I left our cabin section I discovered what was illuminating the cabin, it was the moon. I now found myself in the cold, frigid air-it seems that the bow of the plane broke away-but what was worse was the state of it-you could hardly tell it was a plane anymore-just a giant metal paper that has been crushed up.

Remorse filled me as those persons had no chance; something fell from above and brought me back to my present mission. If I was alive-or at least barely, maybe Michelle and her girls were too. I was thankful that in this section I could better manoeuvre myself across the seats-it took difficultly but I made it.

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