Chapter 1 Decided

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Hana's P.O.V. 

Hello My name is Park Hana, I am 21 years old and I live in Andong, South Korea, With my beautiful best friend Vivian Nam and my wonderful family. Vivian and I moved into our own place when we graduated high school. We wanted to know what it was like to live on our own. It was fun for awhile but now its not so easy. My parents are very wealthy so if we struggle they help us but we try to figure things out on our own. So here is my story it starts out ok but then things get complicated. 

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Rin....

Hana - Yeoboseyo. 

Vivian - YAH Hana what took you so long to answer the phone.

Hana - Mianhae, I was cleaning and I was listening to my iPod. So whats up?

Vivian - Oh, I was calling to tell you I will be late coming home tonight. I have to talk to my     parents about something. Oh and when I get home we need to talk as well. 

Hana - That's fine and what do we need to talk about?

Vivian - You will find out later. Arraso. 

Hana - (sigh) Fine. Talk to you later then. 

Vivian - Later

Man I really hate when she does that. She always gets mad when I don't answer my phone after three rings, and when she needs to tell me something she makes me wait till she comes home. (Shakes Head) But I love her. I wonder what she wants to talk to me about, she sounded so serious. Oh well I will find out later, I guess. Back to cleaning. 

3 Hours Later....

Vivian walks through the door.

Hana - Oh Annyong. How was your day?

Vivian - Hey, My day was fine. Just been busy at work.

Vivian worked in her dads cafe and today was a Saturday, so I can understand why she was busy. 

Hana - Aigo, my poor best friend. I will make you some tea. 

Vivian - Gomawo Hana.

Hana - No Problem. So what is it you want to talk to me about?

I say as I hand her the tea. She takes a sip and begins to talk. 

Vivian - Well, You remember that audition I was telling you about in Seoul?

Hana - Yeah I remember. Wae?

Vivian - Well, I am going to go to it. I already got the approval from my parents. 

Hana - Omo, that's great Viviie!!!

Vivian - Thanks, But that's not it. I um.... am moving to Seoul as well.

Hana - Mwah... uh mean I am happy for you. 

I was hurt but at the same time I was so happy for her. I didn't want to lose my best friend but I also didn't want to be selfish. She worked so hard for this audition. 

Vivian - Thanks Hana, I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me. I will be lonely there and I think with you there I can do better on the audition. What do you say?

I didnt know what to say. I have never left Andong and to be honest I was alittle scared to. I do want to see Seoul though. Maybe I should go. I would have to talk to my parents first.

Hana - Hmm.... Let me talk to my parents first and I will get back to you. Arraso?

Vivian - Kk, Well I am leaving in 3 days so talk to them as soon as possible. I am so tired so I am off to bed. See you in the morning best friend. Anyonghi jumuseyo.

Hana - Jalja 

I stayed up alittle longer and watched T.V. when I looked at the clock I realized it was really late.

"Omo Omo, Its 2 in the morning. I need to go to sleep. I will talk to my parents tomorrow. Hope they approve". 

I got up around 9 in the morning. I went to Viviies room and she had already left. Well I should get ready for work and then to my parents house. I worked at a Library. I know, I know its alittle nerdy but I like to read and I like the quite atmosphere. I was ready now and headed of to work. 

At Library -

Hana - Anyonghaseyo

Mini - Oh Hello Hana. How are you doing?

(Mini is the owner of the library)

Hana - I am great. How are you?

Mini - I am good too. Today I need you to put all those returns back on the shelves for me. Arraso?

Hana - Ne

I smiled at her and she smiled back and went to her office. I turned to look at all the returns and there was alot. Man this is going to take all day. Well better get started.

About 7 hours later, I was done putting back all the returns and some extra stuff I had to do. My shift was now over. I said bye to Mini and went to my parents house.

At Parents House -

Mi Young - Oh Annyong Hana. How are you?

Hana - Umma, I missed you. I am doing fine. 

Sung Ho - Ahh Hana? How is my favorite daughter doing?

Hana - Im your only daughter appa, and I am fine.

Sung Ho - Thats good, so what brings you here princess?

Hana - I have something to ask you guys

Mi Young - What is it sweetie?

Hana - Vivian is moving to Seoul, and she wants me to move with her.

Sung Ho - I see, Hmm....

Oh no when my appa responds like this he usually says no. I hope I am wrong.

Sung Ho - Why is she wanting to move to Seoul?

Hana - She is going to audition at an entertainment company there. Her parents already said she can go. Oh appa, please please can I go ple.........

Sung Ho - Mmm, Well if you are going with her than I approve. 

Hana - Jinjja?

Sung Ho - Ne, I will be a learning and growing expreience for you.

Hana - Thank you, Thank you Appa.

Mi Young - I will miss you so much Hana. Write every day Arraso. When are you leaving?

Hana - In 3 days

Sung Ho - I will give you some money and I have a place there you can stay in to get you started.

Normally I would regect an offer like that but Seoul is a new place and I think Vivian and I could use the help. Besides its not everyday a girl gets to go see Seoul with her best friend. Yay.

I left my parents house after saying goodbye and went home to tell Viviie the news.

Vivian was on the couch watching T.V. when I got home.

Hana - Annyong Viviie. Guess What?

Vivian - You seem very excited Hana. What is it?

Hana - My parents approved. I am moving to Seoul with you.

Vivian hugged me and we both began to jump in circles around the living room. We were both so excited and could not wait for are adventures in Seoul. 

It was late so we went to bed and feeled are dreams with visions of Seoul. Yay. 

So this is the frist Chapter I know it drags a bit but now that I got there introductions out of the way. I think I can make better Chapters. Thanks for reading. I will write the second Chapter when I can. But now I need to sleep. Goodnight. Annyong. 








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