Chapter 5 Trainees

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"Hello is there anyone there, Hello?. Why am I here? Where is here? All I can see is darkness. Whats going on? I feel like there is someone here but I cant see nor hear them. Hello? I know you are there please answer me. Wait, I see a light. Where does it go? Should I go towards it? Aaaaah. What was that someone pulled my arm. Who are you? What do you want? Hana? You know my name? Who are you? Hana! Please don't go. I love you. What? Who are you?". 

I opened my eyes to see the sunlight pouring in to my bedroom. Oh thank god it was just a dream. But what the heck was it about and who was that person. Hmmm...Could it be.....Aniya, thats crazy Hana, you hardly know him. Anyways its my first day as a trainee, so I better get up and get ready. I got ready and went to the kitchen. Vivian was there making herself a bowel of cereal.

Vivian - Good Morning sleepy Head. Do you realize what time it is. You know I cant cook and now we are having cereal for breakfast on are first day of training. 

Hana - Yes, mianhae. I forgot to set my alarm. You really should learn how to cook Viv, I wont always be here. And Besides what is wrong with cereal? I like cereal.

Vivian - I dont have time to learn how to cook and I dont want to learn. And nothing is wrong with cereal, its just that its are first day as trianees and I wanted to have energy.

Hana - I am sure you will be fine. We will stop at the store to get an energy bar if you want.

Vivian - Sounds like a plan but we should leave now if we want to be on time.

Hana - Ok are you ready to go.

Vivian - Yep one more bite of my cereal. Ok all done lets go.

Hana - Gaja.

On are way to Woollim ent. we stopped at a convince store to get some energy bars. I dont really need them but I didnt have breakfast so I got one for me too. I cant believe I am a trainee for woollim ent. now. I know Viviie and me are going to have fun but at the same time I cant help but feel extremely nervous. I didnt want to be an idol at first but know I feel like I should be one. Besides I want to help Viviie achieve her dream as well and this way I will be able to see her. If I hadnt become a trainee and It was just Viviie, she would be so busy I will never get the chance to hang out with her. We arrived at Woollim Ent. and all I could think about was a new beginning. We walked it and the lady at the front desk looked at us funny. She must think we are crazy fans.

Lady - Hello, May I help you girls?

Hana - Yes we are new trainees here.

Lady - What are your names?

Hana - My name is Park Hana and this is Vivian Nam.

Lady - Oh yes, you guys are on the list. its the third floor and room number 143. You can take the elevator to get there. 

Hana - Gamsahabnida. 

We went to the elevators and pressed the third floor button. I felt even more nervous now that we are actually here. Viviie was just as nervous as I was maybe even more because she didnt talk whole way up there. We arrived at the third floor and made are way to room 143. I opened the door and there was 3 other girls sitting on some couchs. They must be trainees too. They look around the same age as Viviie and I. I hope we can get along. I went up to them and introduced my self.

Hana - Annyeonghaseyo, Park Hana Imnida. I am 21 years old and I am a new trainee. 

??? - Annyeonghaseyo, je ireumeun Kim Sohee Imnida. I am 22 years old and I am also a trainee.

??? - Annyong, My name is Roxy Lee. I am 20 years old and I am from America. I am also a trainee.

??? - Kon'nichiwa, my name is Sato Miki. I am 19 years old and I am Japanese. I am also a trainee. 

Hana - Its nice to meet all of you. This is my friend. She is also a trainee. 

Vivian - Annyong, I am Vivian Nam. I am 21 years old. Everyone calls me Viv.

Miki - Its nice to meet you guys. Do you speak english?

Hana - Yes we do. Is english easier for you?

Miki - So much more easier.

Vivian - Cool we will speak in english then. Do you know english too Sohee-ssi?

Sohee - Yes I can speak english. And you can all call me Unni.

Roxy - You guys seem cool. I hope we are in a group together.

Miki - Me too.

Hana - That would be great.

We all talked for what seemed like hours but was only an hour. I really like these girls, they seem nice and very caring. I hope we can all be friends. I also find it interesting that Miki and Roxy are not Korean and they became trainees. They must be really talented. I cant wait to see what the other girls can do. Vivian really hit it off with Roxy, I think they get along so well because Vivian lived in America for 5 years. I hit it off with Miki the most, she is so cute and friendly. I feel like I need to protect her. Are conversations where interrupted when a guy walked into the room. He looked young and very handsome. I wonder who he is.

Guy - Hello everyone. I am Kim Sungkyu. I will be your guide today. Please follow me.

Vivian - (in a whisper) Hana, I know who that is. Omo its Sungkyu from the boyband Infinite.

Hana - Jinija? I wonder why he is our guide and to where. I dont have a good feeling about this. 

We followed Sungkyu to a van outside. What? Why are we going in this van?. I definitely dont have a good feeling about this. I heard trainees sometimes goes to these places and does hardcore training like military status. They wouldnt put us through that when it was our first day of training would they?. We all got in the van with confused looks on our faces. We must all be thinking the same thing. We all started to continue our conversations in the car until it went quite because everyone fell asleep. We all must be really tired. I closed my eyes out of bordum and feel asleep. As soon as I was off in to a deep sleep I had that dream again. What is with this dream?. What does it mean? My dream was interruped when Miki woke me up. 

Miki - Hana Unni. Wake up. We are here.

Hana - Huh. Where is here?

Well guys I hope you liked this chapter. I will write the next one in due time. Thanks for reading. And if you follow me thanks for following.


All For Love (EXO Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora