Chapter 16 Dont Go

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Baekhyuns POV

Hana has been at the hospital for 2 weeks now, she is in a coma. The doctors are telling me if she doesn't wake up in the next 5 days, they are going to pull the plug. Why are they giving her very little time? I know she can pull through this. Her family is also here, there devastated. Hana's mom can't even sleep or eat anything, neither can I. I had to leave her side because of my schedules, which I hated. I want to stay by her side. I know she will wake up and I want to be there when she does. Why did she have to misunderstand. If only she let me explain, this wouldn't have happened. The worst part about this is I had a dream about this. Of course it was a little different. In my dream I had cheated on Hana, but in reality this wasn't the case. I should have gotten to her sooner and pushed her out of the way. It should be me not her. It was day 4, I woke up next to Hana's motionless body. She looked so peaceful. My phone started ringing so I picked it up. It was Suho Hyung, he said I needed to come to the SM building for practice. I told him I will be there soon. I kissed Hana and said: I will be back later my Angel. Wait for me. After that I left to SM.

SM Building ( practice room)

Suho - oh Anyong Baek. How are you feeling?

Baekhyun - I'm ok Hyung, how are you?

Suho - I am fine. Sorry I had to pull you away from Hana.

Baekhyun - it's ok, Hana would want me to practice.

Suho - Are manager said you can practice but you can't do any other activities.

Baekhyun - wae yo?

Suho - because the press is asking to much and everyone feels that it will be better for your well being, if you stay away from the spot light for now.

Baekhyun - ok than, can I go back to the hospital after practice?

Suho - sure, and you don't need to ask, we all understand what your going through.

After practice, I packed up my stuff and left for the hospital. I made it there and was greeted by the LOTUS girls. They came to see Hana. They must be having a hard time too. Hana's family was there too. No one has left her side since the accident. See Hana that's why you need to wake up. There are a lot of people waiting for you. That love and care for you. I went into the room and sat next to Hana. The others decided to give me alone time with her. I talked to her and told her about my day. I was hoping she would move or at least give me a sign that she heard me but she didn't. It was like talking to a statue. I started to fall asleep but I was interrupted when Luhan walked in.

Luhans POV

I was done with my schedules for the day. So I decided to go see Hana. I made it to the hospital and went to Hana's room. I walked in and there was Hana in her coma state and Baekhyun. He must be exhausted, he was falling asleep. I hated seeing my friend like that. I also hated seeing Hana like that. I noticed how much they love each other, so I put my feeling aside. My friendship with both of them is more important than my selfish feelings. Baekhyun looked up at me, his eyes were red and puffy. You can tell he had been crying.

Luhan - Hello Baek.

Baek - oh hi Luhan.

Luhan - have you eaten?

Baek - no, not hungry.

Luhan - you need to eat Baek. Hana would want you to eat.

Baek - your right, i will be back. Can you watch her for me ?

Luhan - of course

Baek - thanks.

Baek left and I turned my attention to the beautiful Angel on the bed. Even in the state that she is in she still looks beautiful. Baekhyun is lucky to have her. I touched her cheek and began talking to her. This is what I said: Hana, I know you can hear me. Please listen. You need to wake up, everyone misses you. You need to fight, please I am begin you. Baekhyun needs you, I need you, your family and friends need you. Pleases wake up, you slept long enough. Come back to us. After I said that. Baekhyun came back. I had a schedule in the morning so I told him I had to go. He said ok and to take care. After that I left.

Baekhyuns POV

The days went by so quickly. I wanted them to slow down. Today was the last day, if she doesn't wake up tonight, they will pull the plugs. Ottoke? What am I going to do? I have been tiring to wake her up everyday and nothing I do works. Everyone has tired and she still stays the same. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. Knowing this is the last day is killing me. Yah! Hana please wake up! I can't live without you. Please come back to me. I need you, I love you, PLEASE. I spilled out everything that was left in my body. Everyone was at the hospital doing everything they can I wake her up. The doctors said we had one more hour with her so we should say our goodbyes. I'm sorry I refuse to except that, she will wake up. She has to. One by one everyone came in and said there goodbyes. How could they give up on her. I can't give up, she will wake up. An hour had pasted and Hana never woke up. I said goodbye to her and watched as they pulled all the plugs from her. My heart broke in a million pieces. She's gone, no she can't be. Please Hana. I ran back into her room and grabbed her hand. The doctors must have felt bad because they let me stay there. Hana, please don't go. I love you, don't go. I won't give up on you. Don't give up on yourself, please.

Hana's POV

"Hello is there anyone there, Hello?. Why am I here? Where is here? All I can see is darkness. Whats going on? I feel like there is someone here but I cant see nor hear them. Hello? I know you are there please answer me. Wait, I see a light. Where does it go? Should I go towards it? Aaaaah. What was that someone pulled my arm. Who are you? What do you want? Hana? You know my name? Who are you? Hana! Please don't go. I love you. What? Who are you?". Was this a dream again? It doesn't feel like a dream. The light came back and I stated to follow it but I heard the voice again. "I won't give up on you, don't give up on yourself, please." I stoped when I heard this, I know whose voice this was now. It was Baekhyun. The light disappeared and I opened my eyes. I looked around and my vision was blurry at first but it got clearer the more I blinked. The first thing I saw was Baekhyun. He was crying and smiling at the same time. Why is he like this? What happened? Why am I in a hospital? I started to speak.

Hana - Baekhyun oppa, why are you crying?

Baekhyun - because your alive.

Hana - was I dead. Ottoke?

Baekhyun - you were in a coma.

Hana - what how, why, when?

Baekhyun - relax Hana, you will exhaust yourself. I will tell you more when you fully recover. But for now I just want to hug you. I have been waiting for this moment for 3 weeks.

Hana - I'm sorry, I have been a burden to everyone.

Baekhyun - no, no one feels that way. We are all happy you are awake. Please Hana never leave me again. I thought I lost you forever.

Hana - I promise oppa. I will stay beside forever.

Baekhyun - oh and about what happened on the rooftop.

Hana - it's ok Baek, I have forgotten about it. It's in the past. I am just happy that I am back and with you.

Baekhyun - me too.

After the doctors ran some test. They said I could go home within the next two days. Baekhyun told me what had happened in the accident. I don't remember much of it but I do remember voices. They voices from all my loved ones. After the 2 days, I went home and things started to go back to normal again. Luhan told me that, Baekhyun is the one for me and I should stay with him, I agreed. This experience made me realize how important I am to Baekhyun and how important he is to me. I promised Baek I would always let him explain first before I misunderstand. He said he will do the same. Now we couldn't be happier.

Hello readers,

Hope you liked this chapter. I think I missed something's I wanted to add in the chapter but oh well. Anyways thanks for reading. Saranghae Buiing.


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