Chapter 17 Love Is in the Air

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Vivian's POV

I woke up in the morning and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and started to make some breakfast. It has been a hole week since Hanas recovery. I am so glad she is back, I thought I lost my best friend forever. I cracked open the eggs and than my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at it. It was Chanyeol. Chanyeol and I have been talking for sometime now. I really like him and I think he likes me too. I answered the phone.

Vivian - Yobosaeyo, Oppa.

Chanyeol - hello Viv, how are you this morning?

Vivian - I am good, how are you?

Chanyeol - I'm good, are you busy today?

Vivian - not that I know of, we have the day off. I think. Wae?

Chanyeol - because I don't have a schedule and I wanted to spend my day with you.

Vivian - sounds like fun. I will ask Sohee Unnie if we are free.

Chanyeol - ok let me know.

Vivian - ok oppa I will, I will call you back.

Chanyeol - ok.

I hung up the phone and went to see if Sohee was awake. I knocked on her door and she said to come in. Oh good she is awake. I walked in and sat on her bed, she was on her phone texting someone. Probably Sungkyu, they have been dating for sure, she hasn't conformed it yet but they way they are with each other, says otherwise.

Vivian - so who are you texting unnie?

Sohee - just a friend

Vivian - you mean Sungkyu

Sohee - how did you know?

Vivian - I have a good eye for these things, also you guys made it to obvious. Everyone knows.

Sohee - oh. So what did you want to talk about?

Vivian - I wanted to ask if we are free today?

Sohee - as far as I know we are. Wae?

Vivian - Chanyeol wants to hangout with me.

Sohee - I see, well than your free to hangout. What is going on between you to anyway?

Vivian - I am not sure yet. I hope I find out today.

Sohee - do you like him more than a friend?

Vivian - I do more than anything. I hope he does too.

Sohee - it sounds like he does. Hey I smell something burning. Are you making breakfast?

Vivian - oh crap, I am.

I got up and left Sohees room in a hurry. I went back into the kitchen and sure enough the food was burnt. Great now I have to start over again. I cleaned up the burnt food and started making fresh food. After I was done everyone was up and ready to eat. They helped set the table and I put the food on the table. We all ate and went on with are day. I called Chanyeol back to tell him I was free. He said that he is bringing Sehun along and asked if I could bring Miki with me. Why does he want me to bring Miki? I thought this was going to be just us. Well this could be fun anyway. I asked Miki if she wanted to come along and she said yes. We got ready and left. We were told to meet them at a cafe near the SM building. We made it there and the boys were already there.

Chanyeol - hello girls, come have a seat.

Vivian - hi oppa, and Sehun.

Sehun - hello Viv and hi Miki. How are you doing today?

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