Chapter 9 The Dorm

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"Hello is there anyone there, Hello?. Why am I here? Where is here? All I can see is darkness. Whats going on? I feel like there is someone here but I cant see nor hear them. Hello? I know you are there please answer me. Wait, I see a light. Where does it go? Should I go towards it? Aaaaah. What was that someone pulled my arm. Who are you? What do you want? Hana? You know my name? Who are you? Hana! Please don't go. I love you. What? Who are you?".

I woke up from the sun shining into my room. I so wanted to stay in bed today but I can't. That dream again, what does it mean. Why do I keep having it? This is so frustrating, I hate dreams like this. I don't know if I should pay attention to it or just ignore it. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped, it is a dream after all. HANA! My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Vivian's voice. Why is she so loud, doesn't she know it's still morning geez.

Hana - What

Vivian - Oh good your up. Can I come in?

Hana - sure

Vivian - so how did you sleep?

Hana - ok I guess, how did you sleep?

Vivian - I slept great, why just ok?

Hana - I keep having this weird dream and I don't understand it.

Vivian - what is it about?

Hana - well in my dream I am in this place but I can't see anything it is just dark, then I can feel the presence of someone but I can not see them, I call out for them but no answer, then I see a light, I start to go toward it but someone pulls me back and says Hana please don't go, I love you. But I don't know who that person is. Then I wake up.

Vivian - hmm.... Sounds confusing

Hana - it is, I hate it, wish I knew what it meant.

Vivian - I wouldn't focus on that if I were you, it's just a dream after all, dreams will always be a mystery.

Hana - true, I guess your right, thanks Viv

Vivian - don't mention it, now get out of bed we have to eat breakfast and then Sungkyu will be here to take us to the dorm. are you ready with your stuff?

Hana - for the most part, I still have a few things to pack. Just the essentials.

Vivian - ok I am going to make breakfast, you can pack the rest of your stuff.

Hana - Arraso

Vivian left my room and I got up to pack the rest of my stuff. Which was mostly my bathroom stuff. Today is an exciting day, I can't wait to see what are dorm looks like. I wonder if we will be sharing rooms. I don't mind sharing but I hope I get to share a room with Miki. She's so cute and I bet she would be a great roommate. If not her than I hope Vivian can be my roommate. The reason I didn't choose Vivian first, is because she doesn't like to share rooms. She rather be alone. That's just how she is, I guess she likes her privacy. Well all done packing, my room looks so empty. There is still a few things here, that Viv and I will be leaving, just because they are mostly furniture and decorations. We will probably come and get them later. Oh my gosh it's 8:30, Sungkyu oppa, will be here in 30 minutes. I better go and eat breakfast. I grabbed my suit case and put it in the living room next to Vivian's and went into the kitchen.

Hana - smells good, what did you make?

Vivian - eggs, sausage, and waffles.

Hana - yummy, let's eat.

All For Love (EXO Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora