Chapter 2 The Day We Met

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Hello again everybody, I just want to say thanks for reading my story this far. Enjoy chapter 2. ~Anyong!!!

So its been three days sense Viviie and I decided to go to Seoul and todays the day. We are all packed, finally that seemed like it would take forever, I never realized how much stuff Viv and I had. Anyways all we need to do now is go to the airport and be on are way. I will have to admit I am alittle nervous about this move because one I am scared of Flying and two I have never been anywhere besides Andong. But I have Viv so it should be fine, Right?

At the Airport:

Vivian - I can believe we are finally going to Seoul. Aaaah I am so excited.

Hana - I know right. It seemed like forever for today to get here. Uh Viviie...... I was wondering if you could take the window seat. I am feeling really nervous and I think the window will make it worse.

Vivian - Sure, I like the window seat. Hana how can you be scared of flying when you have never been on a plane?

Hana - I dont know. I guess its because of its so high and I have seen too many movies where planes crash.

Vivian - Well its not so bad. You might actually like it. 

Hana - Maybe 

"Flight 92 to Seoul is now boarding"

Vivian - Oh thats us, Gaja

On the plane:

Hana - Viviie I am not so sure about this I think I am going to be sick.

Vivian - It will be fine Hana, just think happy thoughts and relax.

Hana - I will try. 

The plane starts to take off and I feel like I am going to die. I am so glad I will only be on this plane for a little bit of time. I dont think I can handle going to the US, that will be horrible. Well we made it to Seoul in no time. I mostly slept on the plane which fetl like 5 minutes. I am so glad this is over with. Vivian and I got off the plane and went to get our bags. There was alot of people at the airport and most of them were fangirls. Vivian seemed to be hyperventilating, so my guess was there was a kpop group here. I listen to kpop but not enough to go all fangirl over it. This group must be big considering how many fans there was. It looked like pure chaos. I feel bad for that group. 

Hana - Vivian calm down, there just people.

Vivian - yeah hot talented people, I cant believe EXO is here omg. 

Hana - XO?

Vivian - NO!!, EXO, they are a band from Sm entertainment. They are so popular and hot and talented and and......

Hana - ok ok, relax jees your going to give yourself a hernia. 

Vivian - Hana I am going to get a closer look ok.

Hana - Sure, I will just get the bags and wait here.

Before I could even finish what i was saying she was gone. Jee why is she so obsessed? Well whatever. I had got are bags and was waiting for Vivian. Why is she taking so long, I guess I have to go and look for her. I was so not looking forward to going in that mob of crazy fangirls but if I dont we will be here all not. 

Hana - Viviie, Viviie, Viv.......aaagh.

I was push in to someone by this crazy girl screaming. I ran to them and lost my balance and feel to the floor. They seemed to lose there balance as well and feel on top of me. I opened my eyes and found a gorgeous looking guy on top of me. He was so good looking and angel like, that I literally forgot how to breath. I came back to my senses when he got off of me and handed me his hand. I was so embarrassed that it took me a second to grab it. 

Baekhyun - Gwaenchana?

Hana - Ne, I am fine. Are you ok?

Baekhyun - Thats a relief, I am ok too.

Hana - Well I have to go find my friend, Anyong 

Baekhyun - Wait!!!

I didnt want to turn back around. I wanted to go find Viv and get out of here. But I turned around because I was curious to see what he wanted.

Hana - Is there something wrong?

Baekhyun - Ani, I just wanted to know your name

Hana - Oh my name. Well its Hana. Whats yours?

Baekhyun - You mean you dont know me?

Hana - Ani, should I.

Beakhyun - Guess not. My name is Byun Baekhyun. Its nice to meet you. 

Hana - Its nice to meet you too. 

Just then Vivian came running up to me and Baekhyun was pulled away by his manager. 

Vivian - Hana!!! I have been looking for you everywhere. Who was that guy you were talking to?

Hana - Yah!!! Why did you leave me alone in the first place. You were talking to long so I went to look for you and I got pushed into that guy. It was so embarrassing. 

Vivian - Hana silly girl, you know better than to go into a mob of crazy fangirls. And you still didnt answer my question who was that guy you were talking to?

Hana - I forgot his name. Besides it doesnt matter, hes gone now. 

I lied, of course I remember his name. But I couldnt tell Vivian that. She would be talking about it all night because He is a member of EXO. I just wanted to forget about that moment and move on. I hated being in situations were people are staring at me especially if it is an embarrassing one. We left the airport and took a taxi to the apartment my dad had got for us. We arrived at the apartment and went inside. It was a two bedroom apartment so Viv and I will have are own rooms. We were both so tired so we decide to unpack tomorrow and just go to bed. 

Vivian - I am so exhausted. I am going to bed.

Hana - Me too. We will unpack tomorrow. Goodnight Viviie

Vivian - Goodnight HanHan

Vivian and I both went to our rooms. My dad had fruniture moved in a day before we got here so there was already beds. Thank God. I put on my pajamas and hoped into bed. I put on my ipod and listened to some music before I went to sleep. Music always helps put me to sleep. But for some reason I could not fall asleep. All I could think about was that guy. I dont know why though. I tried to stop thing about him by unpacking alittle but that didnt work. I just cant seem to get his beauty out of my mind. I found my favorite movie (The Vow) while I was unpacking and decide to watch it in the leaving room. When I watch a movie at night I almost always fall asleep. The movie started playing and about half way through it, I finally fell asleep.

Well guys I am going to stop this chapter here. I will write the 3rd chapter when I can so please be patient. Have a goodngiht or day. Anyong.  




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