Chapter 14 Mixed Emotions

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Hana - it's ok Luhan, you can tell me.

Luhan - Hana I...I like you.

Hana - O.o

He...he likes me. What the hell. What does he mean he likes me. Doesn't he know I am with Baekhyun. Why does he like me? I was so confused and shocked, I didn't know what to say. I was frozen. I heard him call my name but I did not respond. Than he put his hands on my cheeks. Those hands, there not Baekhyuns but they are soft and gentle. I could feel my heart pounding and my cheeks getting red. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I love Baekhyun, right. Why am I feeling this way. I came to my senses, I pulled Luhans hands away from my cheeks and began to speak.

Hana - Luhan?

Luhan - oh there you are, I thought I lost you for a second. Are you ok?

Hana - I am fine. Luhan, I'm sorry but....

Luhan - don't say no more. I know. I just thought you should know my feelings. You don't have to act on them. I know you love Baekhyun.

Hana - I do love him. Are you ok though?

Luhan - I am, don't worry. The others are waiting for you, you better go.

Hana - oh ok, sleep well. Lu Oppa.

Luhan - mmm, you too.

Luhans POV

Hana turned around and left. I didn't want he to leave, to be honest. I wanted her to stay with me, I wanted her to be mine. But I know she loves another. I just wish that was me and not Baek. I hope she doesn't avoid me know. I still want to be her friend. Even if it hurts me, I will still be happy when she smiles. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door.

Luhan - oh come in.

Baekhyun - Hyung are you still awake?

Luhan - oh de. What is it Baek?

Baekhyun - Hana was in here for awhile, what did you guys talk about? Is everything ok?

Luhan - yeah everything is fine. She just asked me if I was ok.

Baekhyun - are you ok?

Luhan - I'm ok now, I just miss my mom, but Hana made me feel better.

Baekhyun - oh ok, well I am off to bed Hyung. Have a goodnight. Glad your feeling better.

Luhan - thanks Baek. You too.

Baekhyun - Anyong.

I have to admit that Baekhyun was the last person I wanted to see at this moment but at least he doesn't suspect something. Well I hope he doesn't. I I was able to lay down and go to sleep. But I had trouble falling asleep so I read some manga and half way through it my eyes got heavy. I put the manga back in my drawer and went to sleep.

Mikis POV

On the way home the girls and I chatted about are visit to the EXO dorm. We had so much fun there. I can't wait to go back. Sehun oppa is so nice and we seem to have a lot in common. I think I like him. I looked over at Hana and she was not talking with the rest of us. She was so quit, which is not like her. I wonder what's wrong with her. Did something bad happen between her and Baekhyun. I hope not. They are so cute together. I am so a Baekna shipper. I decided to ask her what was wrong instead of guessing.

Miki - Hana unnie, are you ok?

Hana - hmm....

Miki - are you ok?

Hana - oh de. I'm fine.

Miki - are you sure? You know you can tell me? I am a great listener.

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