Chapter 2 - Welcome to School

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This has been a long week, my aunt wasn't as obnoxious as Maria was, and that was a gift. My mom doesn't seem depressed, and I have decided to stay inside and study to get ready for school. Maria went out a lot but, I rejected her invitations. Im too scared to be out here in the Bronx, but today I have no way out of it. Again, I was awake earlier than the alarm. This time, instead of thinking so much, I just headed to the bathroom to get ready for my first day of school. It's a good thing I wake up early because there is only one bathroom, shared by 4 females. God, this is going to be tough.

For the 20th time, I have checked my bookbag to make sure I had everything, and as soon as Maria was finished, we were out the door. She said we will be eating breakfast in school, and I don't know what to expect. I have never ate school food.

We stood at the bus stop to wait for the bus. I was expecting a yellow school bus to appear or something, but it didn't. A big, white public bus appeared, and many different people boarded it. It was extremely packed and I was squished between different people and it felt so uncomfortable.

It was around 5 stops, when Maria told me that we were getting off. I was scared I wouldn't make it out to the door to get off on time, but luckily I did. We only had to walk a block and go up a hill to reach my new school. I wasn't exactly happy about it. It was a theater school, and it wasn't very prestigious. Not because Im rich or anything, but because I need to go to a good school, to look good in college applications. I want to go to Stanford University, and no one is ruining my dream.

Going into the school building, it was nothing like I expected. I was expecting a huge movie – scene appearance of a new girl going in to school. To my luck, that wasn't the case, yet my nerves didn't loosen up any bit. As soon as we came in, two loud girls came dashing towards Maria and gave her such a hug I have never in my life seen. They were so loud and obnoxious. All three girls fell to the floor with a loud bang. I thought they were hurt, but then they started laughing. This little commotion caused lots of heads to turn our way. Many students looked at me, and spoke about the new girl. Jeez, I hated attention, and because of Maria and her socialness, I was definitely getting it. Someone came up to me and said "Welcome to Fordham Heights" and she left as soon as she came.

As soon as the girls stopped ranting, Maria broke up the chat and introduced me to her two best friends Laura and Chasity. They both waved and in unison chanted "Hi Lisa, welcome!" I wasn't half as excited as they sounded. I only gave them a warm – hearted smile and said a shy and almost inaudible "Hello." We finished first – day business in the office, and soon were off to first period.

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