Chapter 23 - The Last "I Love You"

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I was so confused. Jake apologized to me for raping me so why is he saying it was Corey's this whole time? I got a call from Jake when he drove over to Corey's house. I could only imagine what he was about to do to him. But I'm just still so confused. Jake said, "It wasn't clear to me then but seeing the birthmark... I remember now. Stephanie and Corey were working together the whole time. I had told her about the time I first met you and how bad I wanted you. She must have told Corey and they started plotting. At the party she gave me a drink. She roofied me. Corey was the one who rapped you. When I woke up the next day she told me everything that happened and I just thought I was drunk and I did that to you but it wasn't. All I know is they made this whole shit up and I'm getting them back baby. I'm doing this for you and Hope."
Then the call cut off. It was just silent.

I was trying to look for something that Hope could wear but in between my tears and trembling I couldn't do anything. My blurred vision was just making things worse. When I finally decided what to dress her in, I noticed that she was burning hot. She probably has a fever. I looked for the thermometer even more nervously. She couldn't be getting sick right now. I took her temperature and apparently she did have a fever. I couldn't do this anymore. "Uuurggh!" I had to yell and get all my emotions out. I collapsed on the floor crying. Soon after, I stopped for Hope. I noticed her face was red and she got increasingly hot. In a split second, she bursted out crying. Her loud screams and shrieks were vibrating all over the apartment. I decided to take her over to my moms house because I couldn't let her or Jake die. I didn't know what to do with a feverish baby. And I couldn't go to the emergency room and spend my day not knowing about Jake. So I called my mom, and off I went.

Jake POV

I think I have venom rushing through my blood right now. Im fucking furious man. How could Coby do that? How could he be the one that raped her. My brother is Hope's father? Damn it feels so bitter. My anger is just boiling up. I make it to his house ready to fight him. I open the door using my lock opening skills. I bust it open and start searching for him. Yelling out his name. "Coby! Where the fuck are you?!" I couldn't find him and that was getting me more mad. I made it to the back of the house and saw him outside smoking. I just wanted to cut his head off right now and let him suffer for what he did to Lisa.

Lisa POV

Hope just criead and cried and cried all throughout our car ride and it was getting me furious and nervous. She couldn't pick another time to do this? I can't have this right now. If I loose Jake, I loose everything. I loose an apartment, money, free time but most importantly I will be loosing Jake, the guy I fell in love with, who has made me the happiest mother on earth. And now he is about to kill his own blood for me. And Hope, my precious gem had a fever and won't fucking stop crying. She makes me so nervous, I can't even thing. "Shut up!" She cries louder. I start sobbing and crying. A car goes my way I push on the horn and scream.

Jake POV


"Why do you care so much about this house? Why do you want it so bad? Wasn't it enough to get all our parent's money when they died? Now you want the house too!" I was heated. Our parents died and we're fighting over their property. They didn't leave a single letter so it was our responsibility to do this on our own. "You always had more than me. They loved you more and gave you everything they had. So what about me? I'm the oldest and they should have loved me more, not you!" He shouted back at me. "There wasn't anything you could offer them that would make them love you more. I showed them how much I love them! You never did!"

"I don't give a fuck what you did. The house is mine, I'm the oldest and I will keep on making you suffer. I'm gonna hurt everything you every cared for because you took away all of mine!"

*flasback over*

Damn, that's the way he planned on making me suffer, it's really working.

I come outside ready to shoot him. He gets up, turns around and laughs. A menacing, evil laugh like the ones of villains in movies.

"How's my baby?" He asks with a smirk. I just wanna shoot it off his face. He knew all along what he had done. "How could you do this?" I bark at him. "Sh sh sh, don't speak like that to your elders." He said so calmly it disgusted me. "I'm not fucking playing games with you Coby!"

"What do you want?" He asked finally mad. I lifted up my gun ready to shoot him. I felt my clammy fingers around the barrel. I treat rolled down my cheek, I wiped out off. I was ready to end him when I felt a sharp pain in my back. The pain caused me to drop the gun, my eyesight getting hazy. Then I felt it in my gut then heart. This time it was Coby aiming at me. I could see his rigid body pointing straight at me with the look in his eyes of success. He finally did it. He finally got rid of me for good. I collapsed to the ground. In front of me I could see myself as a little kid running around this yard with my brother. I could see me growing up. I could see myself getting into the gang. I could see me smoking, robbing, partying. Then I saw Lisa as a nerd and my heart stared melting. I saw what I did to her, how she fell in love with me. Everything. My whole life up to this point was shown like a movie in my head. Towards the end I felt weak but calm. This is it for me. Im so gone that I stated to hear Lisa's sweet voice calling out my name. "Jake, Jake!" The only thing that hurt was leaving her and Hope. All alone in this big bad world without me to defend them. I wanted to get up and fight for my life. I was stronger. Or maybe I wasn't. Maybe I am not strong enough so it's time to leave. I'm starting to feel my whole body calming down. But before I left, I had to let her know. Because she was right here, next to me. "I love you."

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