Chapter 22 - Bithmarks of Pain

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Back from vacation wasn't bad at all. We picked up Hope and got home. It was early but Jake was still going to take this day off at work. He wanted to learn about how to take care of babies so he could whenever I couldn't. He went off to the kitchen to make her the milk formula while I got her bath ready. Hope was already waking up and I could practically hear her start crying. Her whole face compulsed and she let out that killer shriek. Just in time, Jake walked in with the milk in his hand. I rushed him over here and quickly took the bottle and fed it to Hope. I adjusted her in my arm and sat down at the edge of my bed. Jake followed right after. He carresed her delicate cheek as she drank up. It didn't take long for her to finish up her milk. I face her towards my arm and start tapping her back to get all her gasses out.

I lay her down on the bed and started removing her clothes. I talked Jake through everything I did so he could understand. Then i carried her over to her small tub and washed her really well.

Jake was very observant as to everything I did. I flipped her so her back side faced us. I felt Jack shiver and tensen up next to me. That was really wierd. I turned to him with a puzzled look on my face. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked.

"Whats that?" He asked. Was he serious with me right now?

"Her booty." I answered with that "duuh" tone in my voice. I let out a small chuckle then realized Jake wasn't messing around.

"No, that birthmark. Do you have one?" He asked. I could feel tension risen up. "No. Hope came with this birthmark. I guess from the guy who rapped me. Why are you so intrigued by it?" I was still not understanding, yet kept on cleaning Hope. He stayed quiet for a while obviously thinking. But what about?

"Don't you think it's wierd that she looks so much like me?" He asked. I felt a dark aura forming around him. I wish I knew what was going on at this moment. I kept getting more suspicious since I didn't know what he was coming at. Suddenly I felt a strong shiver cut through my spine.

"My brother has a birthmark right there. Just like that. And we almost even look like twins. " He pointed at it. His words came out slow and shaky which meant that he was thinking cautiously, "The week when you got raped, I had a big argument with him. He said -"

He took a long pause and his eyes widened. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" He yelled furiously, his voice deep and full of the worst possible anger.

"What's going on, Jake?" I yell after him. I'm practically running after him. At the door he stopped. He looked calmer as he saw us. "I love ya. You two are the most precious things I have. Ya the reason why I live and why I fight. Don't worry bout me, I'll be fine. But no matter what, I'll take care of ya." He came inside and walked straight to the cabinet. His soft look turned into a dark glare. He took out his 5sevens handgun and fully loaded it. He placed it in his pants, secured by the belt, and took out his pocket knife and quickly sharpened it. He stood up and placed it in his pocket. He walked over to the door, turned around and gave me a meaningful kiss. Then he got Hope and cradled her in his arms. He lifted her up to his lips an kissed her forehead. I tensed up and felt my body warming up, eyes watering and heart racing. He gave her over to me and kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, then my lips. It was such a meaningful kiss, lips trembling and hearts racing. We paused and remain with our eyes shut, our foreheads touching. I slowly open my lips to speak, now tearing up. "Don't go." I say. My voice was cracking. "I love you sweetie." He said. "I-love-you--more." My voice was cracking a lot. I was scared of the outcome. I couldn't stop him from what he was going to do. I'm really scared for him going over there. I saw his bloodshot eyes, and this might be the last time I ever saw him. And just like that, he turned around was gone.

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