Chapter 15 - Race Em'

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I woke up feeling the usual morning sickness. As soon as I woke up I had to go to the bathroom and take care of the nasty buisness. After I took my shower and followed through my morning routine, I remembered what day today was. The bike race. I have been looking forward to this day since I got Stephanies message. Today there was no school so I did the usual; breakfast, homework, movie. By the time the exciting movie was over, it was time for me to start getting ready. I told Stephie that I would be there to help them set up and everything. She even promised that I would get to wave the race flag! I was super excited and I had to look hella bad for today.

I texted Jake before starting to get ready. I wanted us to match all of a sudden.

Me: Hey baby

Jake: Hey gorgeous whatsup?

Me: Can we match today? Please

Jake: of course baby, what color you wanna match?

Me: black leather with red

Jake: mmm sexy

Me: so yes??!?

Jake: yes, now go get ready baby girl, i will pick you up in an hour

Me: yesss!! Thank you love

I automatically went to work. I took a shower, did my fierce cat eye make up with red lips and picked out an outfit Maria bought for me a little while back. It was leather leggings that went half thigh and then cliped the rest of my leg. I wore a red crop top that had sheer which showed a lot of boob cleavage. Oh and let me remind you, my body was getting thicker and sexier. I put on a pair of jay sneakers. My hair was completely steaight and I looked really sexy. I hope Jake likes it. Soon enough, I heard Maria opening the door for Jake. I hurried to put on my accessories and peeped Jake from the mirror. I got to my door and saw him leaning on the door frame just staring at me up and down in that sexy way of his. I blushed and looked away. "You look so sexy, I think I'm gonna have to chain cuff you to me so no other niggas can't try to take you." He walked up to me to hug me from behind in that sweet way of his. I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled back, cupped my chin and gave me a tender kiss. "Lets go baby girl." He wispered to my lips. Gosh, I hated when he did that. He leaves me wanting more. I got my leather jacket, took my keys and phones and we were out.

Setting up was crazy but really fun. We had to go to some crazy place and put fake signs that say that the street is closed. It felt like a Fast and Furious movie. Next, Roc went arournd collecting the race money, and trust me, it was a lot. Jake was getting ready to start racing, he was all into his mode, he looked so sexy like that. I was about to go to him when Stephanie came running up to me. "We need another racer because diamond got seriously injured!" Why did she tell me this? "She is not racing. We don't need an extra racer, we are just fine with four." Buts in Jake. "I want her to race. I don't want four racers, I want five. What, you think she's gonna beat you?" She asked playfuly. Jake was about to say something, but I cut him off. "Sorry Steph, but I can't take your offer. I haven't been feeling well lately and so I can't race this time. But I might take up your offer another race." I responded truthfully. As much as I wanted to race, I had a baby to take care of and I will put off a lot of things for it to stay safe. I was way too excited to start the race. "Fine girl, but here. " She gave me the black and white checkered beauty. I was so happy to do this. "You tell me when to go okay." I'm not trying to mess up my first time.

Around five minutes pass when Roc starts anouncing the race and everyone cheers. My nerves start going up cause I had to go and do my thing. I have to look sexy and not embarass myself.

"Remember, you stay there a little while, don't look anybody in the eye, slowly raise up the flag, hold it up for a good while, it will bring some tension, anxiety, excitement and then-"

"Steph, I know exactly what to do. We practiced it a million and one times already." I had to cut her off. "Go!" That was my cue to go. I walked slowly to were Roc was standing grabbing a lot of attention, whistles from guys and mean stares from the girls. I loved it. Going from someone people looked away from to a person they couldn't keep their eyes off was amazing. I did just as Steph told me a while ago, making sure to look extra sexy and cautious at the same time. As i hold the flag in the air, I stop to look at everyones faces full of anxiety and amix of every emotion possible. It made me smirk. I looked straight out and just when they couldn't take it any more, I quickly bring the flag down, turn around and they sped off. The strong winds and the bikes so close to me sent a little rush of fear, but I loved it. I heard everyone's cheers and I stay in my spot for a good few seconds and then turn around all sexy. I watched as my baby sped off. I felt stuck in time until Steph unfroze me and told me to follow her. We got on the back of a truck with a few others and went following the bikes. We were just behind them watching and Jake was in 2nd place so far. We cheered him up and he got motivation to go even faster. I'm sure he is now speeding past 130 mph. I take a moment to quickly pray for him so he didn't get hurt.

As I expected, Jake won the race!! I went running to him and gave him a congrats kiss, I was so proud of him. We heard a lot of whistles, cheers and chants and werr stayed laughing. But happy times don't last forever, and we heard a police siren. Everyone went in rushing mode and I jumped on Jake's bike. Jake handed the money to someone in the gang. I didn't really understand why but there was no time for questions. I put on the helmet and he sped off. We weaved cars, and knocked over signs. When we thought we were safe, a police car came in front of us so Jake turned around to go the other way and we raced off. But then we reached a dead end and police cars blocked any possible escape route and took out guns so he couldn't do anything. In unison, Jake and I both took our helmets off and jumped off the bike. When we raised our hands, the Policemen came and took us in the cop car. We were arrested.

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