Chapter 19 - Hope

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It's all done. My life without her is like a hot beer. Useless, untasteful and just heartbreaking. I lay on the couch of her hospital room, with our baby in my arms, looking aound the room covered with ballons, teddybears, roses and other pink gifts. Where is Lisa? Will she be here to see it? Why would she give up just like that? Doesn't she care about this baby I have in my arms? She has been in coma for 5 days now and she's not getting any better. Her parents are planning on having a priest come to do a prayer for her but thank God he has been busy because the longer she's there, the more hope I have that she will wake up.

The doctors bring her back in the room for the checkups. I asked the doctor how she has been doing and he just said better and left. Well that word does bring some hope back in my heart that she will wake up.

Today I decided to do something I would never do in my life. The baby has been very calm and Lisa hasn't heard her cry yet. So i decide to smack the baby's head with some force to see if Lisa would react to her baby crying. So I'm indecisive about doing it because I would never hurt a baby, nevertheless my own. But I go ahead, all for Lisa. I smack her head with force a little over a baby's strength. The baby started crying louder than I expected and I felt so bad that I wanted to cry myself. After a few minutes of her crying, I see Lisa not respond and I get furious so I start to yell at her. "Your baby is crying and you can't even wake up! What kind of mother are you? So if she cries at night, this is what your gonna do?"


Where am I? Who am I? I feel so lost right now. I hear a baby crying, and I hear a man yelling. What is going on? Is he abusing the baby? I have to help the baby out! I try to open my eyes but I can't. I try to move but I can't. Uugh I can't just stay here without helping that poor baby out. I hear faintly their voices. Its...its Jake...and...aandd...its Jake and my baby. I get it now! I remember, oh my God, how long have I been without my baby? I try to open my eyes now even more than before. "What are you doing to her?" I try to sound strong and defiant but instead sound weak. "Oh my God! It actually worked!" I could hear Jake very excited. "What worked?" I finally was able to open my eyes and look at them. Everything seemed blury but then I could make out his relieved expression and my baby's teared face. All of a sudden, I gained a lot more energy. "It really hurt to do so but I had to slap our baby to get her to cry and see if you would wake up and it did work. You have been here in this bed for 5 days now and you just kept getting worse. They almost disconected you." By this time, he got down to my level and held my hand with his free hand since he was still carrying the baby. "Thank you. I love you." Was all I could say. "What do you want to name her?" I didn't have to think twice. As if planned, we looked at each other in the eye and in sync we both said "Hope." We both smiled widely. It was a beaitiful name. "She was always there to give hope that everything would be better." I said looking at her. I opened my arms to carry Hope and Jake gave her to me very delicately. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and then on the lips. "I love you." He sweetly wispered against my lips. I smiled and then I looked at Hope. She was so beautiful in each way. As I looked at her, I noticed how alike Jake and Hope were. It was wierd but I didn't care. At the moment, all I cared about was that my baby is alive and healthy in my arms.

Doctors came in and asked me a few questions, Jake called my family so they were here too and it was just very caotic. Maria was in labor today and I was very excited to meet my niece. The doctors said I could leave tomorow night because I was good and healthy as if nothing ever happened. After all the caos and the pictures, they took me over to Maria's room in a wheelchair. Her baby was beutiful and tiny and a nice caramel color. Maria was happy and I could just see it in her eyes, the same way I felt about Hope. I went over to her bed and gave her a hug and we showed off babies and exchanged them to carry them. I just felt bad that she wouldn't have a father for her baby, yet I know that she is going to be a wonderful parent.

The night went by slowly and I just couldn't wait any longer to be with my new family.

Wow. Time has gone by so fast, I have grown up so fast and I'm only fifteen. I spent my birthday, thanksgiving, christmas and new years in a jail cell. It is the end of May now and I will have left the house and live like a family with my baby girl. I don't see sufferage, pain or disgrace in my girl. I see love, happiness, hope. I forget that awful rape and think about a better future. I was starting to feel drowsy so I lay Hope in the encubator next to me. I go back to the bed and just think of what my life will be like from now on.

I just wanted to go home and start my family and just be happy. That sounds beautiful. My family. Jake, Hope and I as a family.

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