Chapter 20 - Happy

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The aparment was perfect for both of us. I got settled in automatically. Jake helped me move around and do the basics. Tonight we wanted to just relax and be happy together so we chose to have a Netflix night. I fed Hope while Jake got the munchies and movie ready. We lay on our bed covered in blankets watching a couple of movies. We had Hope in our arms who was fast falling asleep. She was a very good behaved and calm baby, thank God. When I saw her fall asleep completely, I carefully lay her in her crib next to our bed and stop and look at her. Her beautiful calm nature brought so much peace and love to my world. Moments after, I felt Jake join me. He hugs me from behind and I turn to look at him now, we look each other in the eye and it feels like we can look way past our souls. He gives me a sweet tender kiss on my forehead and then on my lips. No one will ever understand my love, affection and thankfulness towards him. He is very special to me and I will never find anyone like him. I can't even imagine what I would do without him. I turn around and put my arms over his neck and he places his hands on my hips. We start having an intense make - out session. He carefully picked me up and lay we on the bed and we kept making out. "Baby I have a craving." I say out of breath. "What do you want baby?" I thought he would say something funny, or be agravated that I broke up our moment, but instead he asked so caring and loving. "Nutella." I say in a sweet baby voice. He is so nice and helpful. Anything for me. He goes off and is back in less than a minute. Everything he does just makes me feel so happy today. I feel blessed for everything that has happened to me lately. And I have this great man who only cares about Hope and I, and making us happy. We ate half a tub of nutella and fell asleep holding each other.

Morning came and I felt like I have been living a dream, a wierd but beautiful dream. When I turn my head to see Jake, he isn't there. I sit up and look around. Him not here really brings down my mood. I find a piece of paper right were his pillow is and it reads

Hey baby, sorry but I didn't want to wake you up. I work 8 am to 5 pm. I know, it sucks but I have to make money to keep us steady.

He is so comited to making this life of ours work, I feel so blessed and at the same time I feel like I'm a strong package for Jake, and I don't like it.

Well it seems like Hope's schedule is like mine because she also woke up. I got her milk ready and then I gave her a bath. I clothed her in a confy one piece suit. Then I got my breakfast ready. I looked over at the clock, it was just 10:30. Time was going by really slowly today. I decided to take my girl out today. I dressed her in confy, warm clothes, got ready, got her stroller and was out the door. By the time I placed her in her child seat in the car and got myself settled, I realized that I didn't know where to take my baby. I thought and thought and thought but my mind was like a blank canvas. I hated when I couldn't think of simple things. At the end, I decided to take her over to her aunts apartment. My mom has moved out and is living in Manhattan with a great view of the hudson and an amazing boyfriend. I decided not to go there today because my mom said that she was still getting the aparment child proof and I wanted to save up my ticket to take her for the weekends so I could be alone with Jake. Wink wink. So, I will just take Hope over to Elsa's and catch up with my family.

Hours of baby time, gossip and laughs was how it was like at Elsa's. Maria and the baby looked great and I played with her baby and Maria with mine. Then we let the babies play together as Maria, Elsa and I conversed. I missed these two women, they always helped me since day one.

It was getting late and I had to go home. Well, it was just 6pm but after all that has happened to me, I don't like being out alone, nevertheless with Hope. Also, Jake was home and texted me worried when he didn't see us.

When I got upstairs I heard the bedroom television on reminding me that Jake is home which makes me smile ear to ear. "Daddy's here Hope." She laughed in my arms like she knew what I was saying. I walked in the room and Jake looked up at me. He looked so cute laying there with just shorts on and nothing more. He looked tired but awake at the same time. He smiled at us and then made the "What are you thinking about face" since I was just staring at him. I blushed and he raised his eyebrows and smiled. We had a whole conversation just with our eyes. He patted the bed signaling for me to sit down next to him. I snuggled in his arms and he hugged Hope and I. We stayed there, in that special, priceless moment, but beautiful moments don't last long. Hope started crying which meant she was hungry. I was getting up when Jake grabbed me and kissed me. I fussed with him because Hope was hungry and she was crying really loud. But seconds after, I melted into his lips and Hopes cries became music, like the perfect background song to this romantic scene. He broke the kiss and looked at Hope, then at me. "Ok why are we still not talking?" I ask aggravated at last. "I wanted to test if our love was so big that we didn't even have to speak to show the love." That made me smile but I didn't want to sound too lovey dovey so I asked, "So did we pass or fail?" He smiled, "It didn't feel any bit different. Talking or no talking, I always love you inconditionally. And every day I love you more." I started blushing so I turned my head and got up. "Don't worry. I know your blushing. But I still worry you don't love me back." I definately didn't want him to feel that. "I love you more than anything. Except for Hope, my mom, my dad, Max-"

"Go feed Hope." He said chuckling. We both laughed and I was off to the kitchen.

When I came back Jake surprised me. "Get Hopes bag ready, we're taking her over to your mom's house and pack a suitcase I'm taking you someplace special. I already spoke with your mother. And pack summer clothes and a sexy swimsuit." I was surprised and puzzled. I guess this is when we finally get to have our "honeymoon". I was so excited. I think we are going to our magical place.

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