Chapter 18 - Blackout

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I lay on the bed with lots of pain and excitement. I have never felt this way before. I never experienced so much pain inside me. Sometimes I worried about the baby but the doctors told me that it was a good sign, because it tells us that the baby is alive. Today went by very quick, I almost feel as if I wasn't even here. It is five o'clock and still I have to wait more. This whole pregnancy was very nice and steady, and I'm giving birth exactly the day the doctor predicted.

I close my eyes and think about what life would be like for the three of us. Our baby, Jake and I living like a married couple. Jake found us a very nice and sweet apartment with an amazing view. Jake decided to quit school and work as a mechanic, while I'm going to do online school. I fixed things with Jake and I believed him.

"The doctors said that your almost ready." My mother interupts my thoughts and I open my eyes. She came alone. "Where is everyone else? Dad, Max, Elsa, Mària, Jake?" They weren't leaving me on the most important day of my life. "They are all coming at around 6, except for Jake because he has late night shift today." You have to be kidding me right now. After everything I went through to forgive him, he won't even see me give birth because of a stupid job?

After the court case he came by everyday to see me and I forgive him but I didn't believe him. So one day I was very deppressed because I missed him so much that I went to our secret place. There I was taken to a movie theater where they showed clips of us from the begining. It showed all our thoughts and what happened. It was sad, beautiful, happy, the best movie I had ever seen. There I realized that Jake only tried to end things with Steph, and that she was the bitch all along. She was always trying to hurt me. I guess she tried to pick on me since I was so lame, and I ended up being better than her, making her hate towards me increase. By the end if the movie, I was bawling and then I noticed that Jake was sitting a few seats back from me and he went to me and conforted me. He has always been there for me in my best and worst moments. I realized how much of a great person he is and how much we love each other. Even though this isn't his baby, he is still willing to be the father and take care of us like if we were part of him.

"Let's go Lisa, your baby is ready to meet the world. " the doctor interrupted my daydreams now. She took me into another room and did a couple of procedures on me. By the time we had to start the pushing process, Jake and Max came in looking like doctors. Max came to record, and Jake to hold my hand. Jake made it. Max made it. Two out of the three men I most loved were here with me.

The pushing and the screaming was unbearable. The pain shocked through my whole body. I never experienced anything like this before. I would squeeze Jake's hand so hard that I think his hand was turning white. After much work, the baby was finally out of me and I felt so happy to see her. The doctor congratulated us and handed my baby over to me. She was so small and delicate and tender and sweet. Her big eyes just looked up at me and gleamed and shined. My eyes got watery as I carresed her. All of a sudden, I felt a strong peacefullness all over like I was finally going to a nice, beautiful, calm place. All of a sudden I could hear little but I heard a lot of comotion. People yelling and rushing and she started crying. Why was she crying? My baby can't be suffering already. All of a sudden she was taken away from my arms and then...

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