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He was bad, so bad. I loved it. It was so good. He had problems. But so did I. He understood me the way Juggy didn't.
From the way he touched me to the way he looked at me, I loved him. I could cut myself with his jawline. It was so sharp. He wasn't perfect to the normal eye. But to me, he was all I had ever wanted.
His job was questionable but I didn't care if that is what he needed to do too get money then that's what he had too do. Webcam boi. My webcam boi.

He took full notice of me, I was always on his mind, Juggy had got so into the serphants that he forgot about me. He never forgot. And never will.

Chic Cooper. He is the one.


Authors note- Hey obviously chapters won't be this short this just to get you hooked! LOV YA!

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