Waste Away

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We hit the road again. Chic hasn't said I word to me since he tried to leave me. I'm not that bothered. Although it is quite awkward. I turn on the radio just to break the wall of silence.
Chic knows I'm not alright in the head, but he doesn't understand there is a method to my madness. And this is everything I needed, it may not seem like it but I needed this, a distraction, some entertainment.

The music on the radio was shit, it was that stupid fucking 'happy' song. I can't stand that song.
'Cuz I'm happy.' I mimic angrily. I look over at Chic who is giggling.
'Like come on who likes this shit!' I say questionably.
'Honestly I don't know, it's actual trash.' Chic says switching the station.
'You know, Chic. I think we are more a like then you think.' I say gazing into his crystal eyes.
'How is that?'
'Well first off we are both fucked. Like god damn we have some problems.' I say sniggering.
'Why do you think I have problems?' I laugh, then I look at Chic who looks dead serious.
'What you're serious?! Chic. You just killed someone! If that's not fucked up in The head I don't know what is?!' I say raising an eyebrow at Chic.
Chic scoffs. 'It was an accident, I didn't mean to kill him.'
'Well here we are running away, if it was an accident you would have gone to the police.' Chic nods his head.
'Huh. Your smart.'
'Eh. Not really, I'm just experienced.' I say proudly.
Chic laughs at me.
'You are so beautiful, y/n.' Chic placed his warm hand on mine.
I turn and smile at him. I could feel my eyes twinkling at him.
'Your not too bad yourself.' I say trying not too sound needy, although I just wanted say; you are so fucking hot, I want you right now. But obviously I didn't.
Chic scoffs, 'I will take it yano.' I giggle.

•Five Hours Later•

CRASH! I woke up to my body slamming through the front window. I was dizzy, everything was a blur. I couldn't move my body. I felt paralysed. I managed to move my head a little. I see Chic lying next to me, laying unconscious.
'Chic...' I manage to murmur out. He doesn't move. As my vision clears, I see a shard of glass piercing through Chic's chest.
I manage to pull myself over to Chic. I shake him gently.
'Come on Chic, stay with me...' I murmur.
'Okay this is gonna hurt.' I pull the shard out of Chic's side, I put pressure on his side. I reach out for my bag, I take out the last bandage. I wrap up his wound.

'Come on Chic, I can't loose you too...'

Chic gasps.

Authors Note: I hope you liked this chapter. I'm not sure how long I am going to make this story, do you want it long or short?
-C x

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