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I lay in my bed, staining at the cracks in the ceiling. I stroke a finger across the scars along my arm. A tear rolls down my soft cheek as I romanise to my past. Why am I so fucked up in the mind you ask. Well you can blame my family, school and 'friends'. But that is a story for another day. Not today. I haven't got the time. I try too keep all the demons from my past at bay but it is hard. That's why I have to take these pills. Pills that keep me sain. I mean literally, I am a diagnosed Psychopath. Didn't see that coming did ya? Yea no one does. But when I tell them, well they never stay long enough too hear they story.

Shows how fucked this society is. They see one person who is different and they run. All these celebs who say they care about people in need, but if they met someone with a mental illness they would get their security to get them away from their pretty little assess.


I wake up too the burning sun piercing throw the crack in the curtain. I get up and open the curtains, rain and sun.
I take a deep breath and walk over to my mirror. I frown as I look down at my body. I walk away before I start crying. I walk over to my desk. I open my draw and pull out my notepad. I open it up, grab my pen and start writing.

Day 583,
Morning. It's raining today, rain is my favourite weather. So cosy. You can relax with a movie cuddled up in the covers in your bed.

I couldn't sleep last night again. Same thought again.

I will update you soon.

I close up my dairy and place it back in the draw. I take the key from around my neck and lock the draw.

I throw on some booty shorts and a bralett and throw in my long raincoat and leave my apartment.

I start walking down the corridor when Chic walks out of his apartment, cuts and bruises covering his face. Deep bags under his eyes. I tall muscular man follows him out of the apartment.

Chic looks at me and forces a smile. I look at him with confused eyes. He understands. He mouths too me, I will tell you later.

I walk down to the 1st floor where the front desk is. I see the manager screaming into Chic'd face. I felt like I should something.
The manager punches Chic straight in the face.

I run over to the manager and push him away from Chic. 'GET THE FUCK OFF HIM!' I scream into the managers face. The security hold me back as the manager comes right up too my face.
'Don't touch me again, girl or you won't have a home. Plus you don't want to be sticking up for this creep.'

I look at Chic confused. 'Creep?'
'Oh you didn't know...' the manager walks closer too me.
'HERE! Take it...' Chic shouts before ye manager can say anything else, Chic pulls out 5000 dollars from his pocket.

The manager smirks and snatches the money from Chics hand.
'Now get out of my sight Cooper.' Chic doesn't make eye contact with me and runs out of the lobby and up to his room.


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