Break Out

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~Chic's views~

I have had my fair share of crushes, not gonna lie, but with Y/N it felt different. It didn't feel like it was gonna pass, it felt stable, Permanent. But I guess it was a one way feeling. Cuz now I am here in the cold cell, alone. Being charged for murder. I just turned 18 so that means I will be put in prison and not Juvy.

I lay in my bed, counting the cracks in the ceiling. Something hits my head. I sit up abruptly. I look down to see a price of paper. I pick it up.

Stand Back.

What why would I need to stand bac...
My thought was cut off by bricks being flung towards me as the back wall smashes through. The alarms ringing in my ears.

'GET IN LOSER! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!' I look to see Y/N smiling at me through the window. I knew she would come back. I am glad she came back. I don't know what I would do without her glimmering eyes.
I jump in the car.
'Hold onto your butt!' Y/n screams at me as she smashes through the entrance gates to the prison. I hear the wailing of police sirens behind us, but I didn't really care, she came back for me, I was so happy.
'WOOO!' Y/N screams as we lose the police and drive off into the distance.

'You came back for me...' I say gazing into her eyes.
Y/N takes a deep breath. 'I fucked up... I thought it would be for the best if I handed you in, but it wasn't. I guess... I missed you. Jackson, he...' Y/N bites her lip.
'Hey,' I say stroking her soft cheek. 'You don't need to give me a reason, I'm just happy your safe.' I see Y/N blush.

We stop the car. I place my hand on y/n's. She looks up at me.

~Your View~

I loved the feeling of his warm hand on mine.
'I love you, Chic.' I say smiling sweetly.
Chic smiles at me, the presses his lips against mine. It felt so right.
Chic started to kiss my neck. I close my eyes savouring this feeling.

This was everything I ever wanted.



Authors Note: So there is only one more chapter left! Eeeek. Also thank your so much for 3K reads ❤️

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