WhErE aM I?

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'HELLO! ANYONE THERE!' I whimper. My wrists burn as I try to move my hands. They are tied behind my back with thick rope. Don't get me wrong I usually can get out of these situations I come prepared. Oh yea hi forget that I am a complete psycho.

I manage to wedge my hand down into my underwear and flick out my pocket knife. I don't go anywhere without it. My dad gave it to me before he died, my mum would have killed him if she knew, she said it would be the death of me, little did she know it would save me on numerous occasions. I start cutting away at the rope.

Fuck. It's to thick there is no way it's gonna cut through.

'OI!' I jump as one of the men enter the room. 'Sorry did I scare you.' The man chuckled. 'The master will see you in a minute.'
'The master?! Who the fuck is the master.' I say with sass.
The man ignores me and walks out the room. I start struggling in my chair.

'There is no use struggling, my lovely.' I jolt my head up. A man in a clean suit enters the room. Polished shoes, straight ties. A true gentlemen. His face in the shadows so I can't make out his facial features.
'Who are you?' I say angrily.
'Oh honey, don't you recognise me,' he says moving slowly into the light. 'You see, you have known me for what seems like forever. Honestly quite offended you didn't recognise me.' Suddenly, the mans face enters the light. My face drops. It can't be.
'No. No. I thought you were dead?!' My breath now heavy with fear.
The man chuckles.


'What happened here?!
'Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to stand back.'
'I have a friend in there! Her name is y/n. Can you tell me if she is okay?!'
'I am sorry sir you friend was the one who was taken.'
'FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK! No! Don't worry y/n I will find you...'


Sorry it has been awhile I just didn't feel like writing  but here it is. It's shorter than the others but I promise they will be longer.

Bad Boy {C.C}X {Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ