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Your Pov

My heart is pounding out my chest. My mind is so fucked right now. All these people I thought were dead aren't dead? This doesn't make any sense! 

'Come on now, beautiful, I have a surprise for you.' Jughead's stupid minions drag me off the ground. 

'Hey, where are you taking her?!' Chic shouts, not being able tot move his body still. 

'Go back to sleep...' Jughead says in a cool tone as the minions throw me into Juggy's arms and they enter the room with Chic and shut the door.

'Please don't hurt him...' I whimper. Jughead looks at me confused.

'What happened to you, y/n, you used to be such a badass, no emotions, you didn't care about anyone but yourself, it used to drive me crazy, but that's why I kept trying with you because you were a challenge, and then I messed up at I lost my cool.' Jughead looks down at the ground, like he was genuinely upset. I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't. I didn't have an answer I don't know what happened. I always thought I would never feel, but the reality was I hadn't found the right person to feel for.

He looked at me as I stayed silent. 'Please talk to me, y/n.' His voice now soft, calming almost, but I stilled stayed silent.

He took me to a room, it was beautifully decorated with fairylights, a lovely layed out dinner with roses sitting it the middle of the table and calming romantic music playing in the background. 'W-what is this?' I stutter nervously. Jughead smiles as he pulls out the chair for me to sit. 

'A recreation of our first date.' He says with a sweet voice, but something about it sounds sadistic, but I just brush it off. He pours me a glass of champagne.

'This doesn't make sense.' I say under my breath. Jughead looks at me suspiciously.

'What do you mean, sweety.' He says in the same sweet sadistic voice.

'Why are you being nice to me!' I raise my voice sternly. 'You kidnapped me! And now you think you can just act like I am going to be okay with this!' Jughead smiles a wide smile.

'I know you will be fine with it, because you love me, and I love you!' His voice now less sweet and more sadistic, almost sounding insane. 

I shake my head, ' I don't love you.' I say bluntly. 

Jughead's face drops. 'You love me, I know you love me!'

I sit forward, I don't blink as I say, ' I will never love you, your sick!' I pit in his face.

He starts to chuckle angrily. His breathing grew heavy, ' I will make you love me.' Ii can see the insanity in his eyes.

'You're insane!' I say getting out my chair.

'You cant leave so I would sit back down, or there will be consequences.' His voice stern. I stands up and walks towards me. I keep walking back until I hit the wall. I take a deep gulp as Jughead is inches away from me.

Our eyes meet. My breathing grew fast with fear. Jughead puts his hand on my inner thigh. 'Stop, please.' I whine. 'I told you there would be consequences...' My heart stops. His hand moves slowly up my thigh.

A tear rolls down my cheek.


Authors Note; I am so sorry it has been so long! I just haven't really felt a like writing but here you go anyway, aha. I hope you liked it anyway

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