Wake Up

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My eyes weary. Struggling to open them. I felt neither dead or alive. Between consciousness and a dream. I cross my fingers hoping that this was the afterlife. I don't wanna live. I don't wanna go back to my soulless life, never feeling again. Back to the old days.

'Hey, young lady, hey your awake.' A woman with soft eyes and a welcoming smile greeted me. I move my head slowly, taking in my surroundings. Just as I thought. A hospital.

'Am I alive?' I say my voice croaky and quiet.
'Of course honey, we got there just in time.' My face drops, this can't be happening. My eyes start to well up.
'We got a worried and panicked phone call from an unknown caller.' An unknown caller? FP?
My breath grew heavy as reality set in. 'Honey? Are you okay?' The nurses voice grew stressed as I began to scream intensely.
'NO! I DONT WANT TO BE HERE!' I yell, my voice echoing across the hospital. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Several doctors came rushing into my room. One doctor holding a syringe.
'What are you gonna do with that syringe?!' I say a now quiet and panicked voice.
'You wont feel a thing...' The doctor stabbed the needle into my neck at an alarming pace.
My vision went black.

'What did you do to her?!'
'We did what we had to she was not in control.'
'I don't care!'
'Sir I am gonna have to ask you to leave.'
'Y/N... I am always here.'

•2 hours later•

I begin to regain consciousness. I rub my eyes. As my vision became clear, I see one of the nurses gasping for air in the corner, with a knife lodged into her chest.i couldn't move. I wanted to move so badly. I was paralysed. I could only move my eyes. I couldn't speak. I was screaming on the inside for help. No one could hear me.

2 men in clown masks enter the room. They tilt their head at me.
'This is her.' The first guy said in a calm voice.
'What's the matter popet, tell me.' The second guy says in a snarky snicker.
'Come on now lovey, you haven't got your little protector now.' The second guy says with a evil smirk. I am screaming with my eyes. My eyes yelling for anyone to help. But they were silenced my the blindfold placed over my eyes.

Don't hurt me...


Ooo! Chapter 1 of part two! Hope you enjoyed chapter 2 out soon.

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