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'Yes, yes Chic breath.' I say laughing thankfully.
Chic laughs softly. 'Fuck me... that was a experience.'
I laugh and kiss Chic.
'You scared the shit out of me!'
'Good, it means you care about me.' He smirks at me.
I roll my eyes and lay down on the gravel road.
'What now? We have no car?' I say staring at the glimmering stars.
'We will figure something out.' Chic grabs my hand. 'I promise.'

I felt safe with him. What the hell is going on?! He... he is making me feel. I have never really felt anything before, especially not this. I cared about him. He cared about me.

We both get to our feet. I take a deep breath and we walk off into the sunrise. We didn't know where we were going but I didn't care as long as I was going somewhere with him.

•4 hours later•

We had been walking for hours. We were tired. We were hungry. We have tried hitchhiking but no one picked us up. We were beginning to lose hope. A car, Lamborghini, drove past. Fucking hell that is a sexy car. The car stopped. We stared in shock, as a tall, tanned, muscular hot guy stepped out. My jaw dropped.

'Hey. Need a ride?' He said in a deep sexy voice.
'Umm, I don't know I think we can wal-' I cut off Chic. What the hell was he doing, we got to ride in a Lamborghini with a hot guy!
'Fuck yeah!' I say as this guy opens the passenger door.
'Sorry pal, your in the back.' I looked at Chic who looked pissed. What the fuck is his problem?!
We started driving.
'So what's your name?' I say looking to mystery guys hazel eyes.
'Jackson, you?' He says smirking at me.
'Y/N, Y/L/N'
'That's such a beautiful name.' He bites his lip.
'I'm Chic.' Jackson turns around.
'Cool bro.' Jackson says coolly, then turns back to the road.
'So where you heading?'
'Honestly, I have no clue.' I say staring out the window.
Jackson obviously noticed my fave drop.
'Hey, its fine, I'm sure you will find your way, maybe your finding right now.' Jackson winks at me.

'You can just drop us off at the nearest town.' Chic cuts in.
'Don't you want too check with the lady?' I blush at Jackson.
'Yeah, Chic!' I say raising an eyebrow at Chic.
'Oh my dear lady, would thou please exit her ass out of this automobile at the next settlement.' Chic says angry sarcastically.
'No thou wouldn't.' I say annoyed.
'Y/n..'Chic says sternly.
'How about no Chic!' I shout.
'HOW ABOUT YEA! Chic screams back.
The car pulls to a sudden stop.
'Get out, Chic.' Jackson says not turning to look at him.
Chic exits the car.
I tell Jackson to give me a minute.

'Cat, come with me.' Chic says calmly.
'No. No.' I say quietly. ' I can't do this Chic. My life is a mess. I'm a mess. Chic. I can't do this. I can't have you! I don't know why but you make me feel. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a fucking psyco! So it's not normal for a psychopath to feel anything. But you make me feel. And it scares me. Whenever I am around you it makes me feel something, and I feel like I am going to have a panic attack! I want abnormal life. I want to go back to pretending. Pretending to feel. Faking happiness. Faking love. Because I can't cope with real Love.' Chic's eyes widen, I knew what he was about to say, so I said it before he could. 'Yea Chic! I don't know what love is. But, I LOVE YOU!' Tears streaming down my cheeks. 'And I'm not meant to feel love, it feels more like a punishment, feeling love, because I don't know what to do with it. So I'm sorry, I guess our journey ends here... please don't be mad.' My heart starts pounding fast.
'What do you mean Y/N? What did you do?' Chic's voice now sounds heartbroken.

Suddenly sirens become more clear, and several cope cars surround Jackson's car.
I can't breath properly. Chic looks at me. His eyes were soulless and broken.
'I'm sorry, Chic...' I say salty tears fall to the ground. All the sirens around me are drowned out. I open the door to the car, I get in. I can hear faint murmurs of Chic screaming. I don't turn around and get into the car. I look forward. I dot look at anything. Not Jackson. Not Chic. Just the road. Jackson drives.

I take a deep breath.

Was it right?


Authors Note: Sorry about that! We nearing the end of this story, don't worry there are still a few more chapters. But they will be very intense lmao. So get ready.

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