The Final Touch

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<Play audio when I say>

We had officially lost the sirens. We both start laughing a relief. Chic wipes the sweat off his brow.

'Why did you come back?' Chic looked at me.
'I told you I couldn't leave. I tried too throw away the feelings, but in the end they always come flowing back. I locked you away and threw away the key, but the key came back, well, in the shape of a truck.' Chic scoffs.

'I honestly thought I would never see you again. I don't think I would have coped.' Chic smiles.

I bite my lip softly. He likes it when I do that, he thinks it's cute.

Chic cocks his head in confusion. 'What is that?' He points to my diary.

I gulp. 'It's nothing.' I say snatching it out of his hand.
'Diary?' Chic says sweetly.
'Umm, yeah, a diary.' I say and quickly turn to the road. I was lying. We'll sort of. It was a diary. But it was more than that.

I pull over into a forest, so the car was hidden. We lay the seats back, and drift off too sleep.

{Play Audio}
I wake up in the morning to shouting. My eyes widen as I flung my head towards Chic. Our breath was heavy.

Chic gazed into my eyes. I knew what it meant.
'No... I will come with you.' Chic shakes his head softly.
'If they ask...' chic gulps trying to hold back the tears. 'I kidnapped you, blackmailed you into all of this.' My eyes fill with tears.
'I can't.' Chic tucks my hair behind my ear.
'But you have too.' Chic kisses me. He pulls away, I was hoping that that final kiss would last forever, that if it never ended he would never leave the car. Chic exits the car.

My bottom lip trembles as Chic walks towards the police with his hands held high.
I look behind the police. My heart sinks as I see FP push past the police.

'YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED MY SON!' FP screamed, tears streaming down his face.

Chic doesn't say anything he just looks down.

'You son of a bitch!'

It all happened like slow motion. I knew what was going to happen. I scream at the top of my lungs as I jump out of the car and run towards Chic.
But it was too late.


FP's gun fired. I felt myself lose my breath. I look down at the ground Chic lay lifeless. I...

His face was unrecognisable. As the bullet flew straight through Chic's glimmering eye. The eye of which shone now just drowned in blood.

I fell to my knees. He was gone.

The police took me to the station and questioned me. I did what Chic wanted me too do. The police escorted me 'home'.
It was not home. I didn't have a home.
I also didn't have anything. It was all gone. For once in my life... I was happy.

So... I guess this will be my last entry. The last chapter too my story. My diary wasn't just a diary. From the begging I knew what I was. I knew I could never be happy and all happiness would be taken away from me. I knew I wouldn't last long in this world. So I wrote this diary. So when I die, people will know, every single detail of me. It won't be some shitty, suicide note that leaves questions unanswered. I want people too know exactly why.

So I guess... I had my fun. But this world wasn't meant for me.
Just know, I died happy. I died knowing that I had the best life a girl like me could have had.

So, this is me, signing off.

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