Why 易烊千玺 left you...

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Why did 易烊千玺 leave you?

Aquarius: He was in love with your best friend.

Pisces: He moved to another country.

Aries: He left for your sake.

Taurus: He was too busy for a relationship.

Gemini: He lost interest in you.

Cancer: You were both too busy for a relationship.

Leo: He was tired of being with you.

Virgo: You cheated on him.

Libra: He left for another girl.

Scorpio: He left because it was forbidden for him to date any longer.

Sagittarius: You moved to another country.

Capricorn: His parents were against your relationship.

~He left me because his parents were against your relationship

~What about you?

Feel free to request a theme if you want 🤗


Thank you luvkuma for giving me inspiration to these zodiacs^^

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