Ideal type

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This one, is just one that I made since I don't know their ideal types and since Janice294_ requested it. So here it is. All pure from my imagination... maybe. I present... their... ideal types.

Aquarius: 易烊千玺 - A girl who's cute

Pisces: 王源 - A girl who can help him when he needs help

Aries: 王俊凯 - A girl who's supportive

Taurus: 易烊千玺 - A girl who have passion for dance

Gemini: 易烊千玺 - A girl who love studying and dance

Cancer: 王俊凯 - A girl who have a similar personality to his

Leo: 王俊凯 - A girl who is loyal to him

Virgo: 易烊千玺 - A girl who is quiet but fun too

Libra: 王源 - A girl who have passion for eating

Scorpio: 王源 - A girl who can make food

Sagittarius: 王源 - A girl who are shorter than him, so that he won't be feeling really short

Capricorn: 王俊凯 - A girl who is taller than him

~Sadly I'm not a girl who's taller than 俊凯. But I wish I am.

~ what about you?

✔️ TFBOYS ZODIACS  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ