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What product do you represent?

"Ahem. You can't represent a product if it's them who are going to do it"

All of you says: "Yeah, it's them who are doing it. We are the one buying it"

"I know" *author facepalms*

"BOYS BE READY IN THREE!!!" *Chaos in the studio*

"Come on guys, let's wait for our boys outside so that they can do their job" *author leads you all out*

"So... what product do you want to represent?"


*author facepalms again* "guys let's be serious here. You ca-"

"CUT, WE ARE DONE FOR TODAY. SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW!!!" *director shouting equals chaos in studio*

*the boys comes out and stands in front of us and asks us* "So... what product do you want to represent" *author facepalms again*

"Fine, what product do you want to represent?"

*All of you shouts all the products they have been representing*


"Ahem... let's be back to reality."

"But author... we are in reality"

"Ok, let's go back to the question"

What do you represent?

"Author, we are not representing them. We want to represent them"

"Ok, I got it" *author roll eyes*

Which product do you WANT to represent?

Aquarius: OPPO

Pisces: 肯德基

Aries: 步步高家教机

Taurus: 芬达

Gemini: 士力架

Cancer: 康师傅方便面

Leo: 守护家

Virgo: 蒙牛酸酸乳

Libra: ZUO酸奶

Scorpio: 雅客肉松饼

Sagittarius: 自然堂

Capricorn: 360手机助手

After all this. I now know that I want to represent 360手机助手.

What about you? What do you want to represent?

Sorry that I didn't post the other days. I couldn't think of any fun zodiacs, but now I have one. Also on the weekend, there may be a high chance that I won't be updating, since I'm out of ideas and since I need to celebrate my sisters birthday. I'm sorry 😐

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