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What will your fan fiction about them be about, according to your zodiac sign?

Aquarius: How the life of being an idol is, as in struggles and advances.

Pisces: A story about a young couple where one of them is being admired a lot while the other is just an ordinary person.

Aries: A fantasy like story, where it was a princess who happened to end up in an ordinary person's house, and need to live the life as an ordinary person.

Taurus: It's going to be an LGBT story about two or even three of the members falling in love with each other.

Gemini: A story about a lucky fan and the idol, as in how the life of them is going to be after they have met each other.

Cancer: It's about a sick patient and an idol, who happened to be the first lover for the patient, where there's going to bloom love between them, till the patient is going to die from a very deadly illness.

Leo: It's about how (the idol) is going to live his life, without being an idol but just an ordinary person. And like how the person is going to fool around the world before something unexpected happened to the person.

Virgo: You began complaining a lot about your life being ruined and bad, so an angel came and made a deal with you, that you will be having a wonderful life if you enchanted some words, which you did. You then got changed into an infant who needed to be taking care of, and when TFBOYS saw it, they immediately decided that they want to raise you.

Libra: You were cast in a show with TFBOYS, but when a murder happened. You needed it to be solved before you are able to escape... who do you think the murder would be?

Scorpio: Being the most random person ever, you never knew a unicorn actually existed, until one throw up in front of you. And that was also when you realized that you aren't in your real world anymore.

Sagittarius: You sacrificed your whole life, just to live as an ordinary person... but when you got to know that a boy (your idol) was almost dying, you decided to sacrifice your life once again to save his life... how would it end up as and how would their lives be after?

Capricorn: You made a wish on your 16th birthday, which was that you wanted to grow up and not be a teenager anymore who needs to study... but when your wish did come true, how would you live your life? As you planned you wanted to... or on a complete different way? Who will be married to? Your favorite idol, or your once so big school crush?

All these are from my pure imagination, so if you guys want to use it for a story or something similar, then don't be afraid to pm me or comment down to tell me that you want to write about it. But don't be a fool and just write it without telling me... got it?

Some of them may sound familiar tho, but I just thought of them. Don't be afraid to ask me because you won't get rejected... but never less approved

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