Their song pt.2

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What's your song according to your sign?

Aquarius: 剩下的盛夏(The Rest of Summer )

Pisces: 魔法城堡 (Magic Castle)

Aries: 爱出发 (Love start)

Taurus:萤火 (Firefly)

Gemini: 想唱就唱

Cancer: 梦想起航 (Dream of flying)

Leo: 信仰之名 (In the Name of My Faith)

Virgo: 小精灵 (Elf)

Libra: 少年说 (Juvenile Say)

Scorpio: 未来的讲击

Sagittarius: 爱与你同在 (Love with you)

Capricorn: 快乐环岛 (Happy Island)

~My song is 快乐环岛.

~Which song is yours?

Feel free to request a theme if you want 🤗


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