Which year will you be meeting 易烊千玺?

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Which year will you be meeting 易烊千玺?

Requested by Melody0921
Aquarius: In two years time, from Christmas.

Pisces: In three years time, from your birthday.

Aries: The day on your wedding.

Taurus: In 2023, on their 10th anniversary.

Gemini: On Junkai's birthday concert.

Cancer: On Qian Xi's birthday, the 28th Novembre.

Leo: On your next round birthday... (Where you gets 10, 20, 30 or 40, etc.)

Virgo: On Yuan's birthday concert.

Libra: On Junkai's birthday, the 21th Septembre.

Scorpio: On your birthday, in 3 years time.

Sagittarius: On Yuan's birthday, the 8th Novembre.

Capricorn: On Qian Xi's birthday concert.

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