How do you think TFBOYS would react, if they met nine-percent?

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This was requested by palaceofheart5 from a long time ago, but since I haven't been able to go on Wattpad for some time (because of school) then I have decided to apologize first. Sorry everybody for not being active lately, but now I'm here with a chapter in this book. About how we think their reaction would be.

So enjoy 😉

Aquarius: They would talk to each other and enjoy each other's presences, totally forgetting they are idols.

Pisces: Having an awkward tension, where they aren't doing anything except looking at each other.

Aries: They are going to complain to each other, about how much time they use on being an idol and how much freedom they haven't been able to have.

Taurus: They are just going to play with their own games and are totally forgetting that there's other presences in the room.

Gemini: They are going to fight over who's going to invite the others on dinner and who's going to pay.

Cancer: The TFBOYS members talks with all of the Nine Percent members except with Xu Kun, who they later are talking with.

Leo: They will just stare at each other for a second and then leave again, since they only gets to pass by each other and not really get to interact with each other and know each other more personally.

Virgo: TFBOYS being the supportive seniors, gives the junior group some advice on how to be a more successful group.

Libra: The members of both group will imitate  each other's songs and dances.

Scorpio: They would reenact some of their hilarious scenarios and quotes.

Sagittarius: They will never be able to meet each other before Nine percent disbands.
(A/N: Sorry I'm not meaning it. I just need to find something)

Capricorn: The would all agree to leave to the karaoke bar. And are going to sing till their throats are going to hurt.

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