
354 16 178

Which member(s) will be celebrating your birthday with you?

Requested by Muffiny_21

Aquarius: 易烊千玺

Pisces: 易烊千玺 and 王源

Aries: 王源

Taurus: 王俊凯

Gemini: 易烊千玺 and 王俊凯

Cancer: 王俊凯 and 王源

Leo: 王源 and authour

Virgo: 王俊凯 and authour

Libra: authour and 易烊千玺

Scorpio: TFBOYS

Sagittarius: 易烊千玺,王源 and authour

Capricorn: 王俊凯易烊千玺 and authour

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