Anniversary with #易烊千玺

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What is he going to give you on your anniversary?
Aquarius: A booked day in the water park

Pisces: A booked day in the amusement park

Aries: Teach you how to dance

Taurus: Flying to Paris to celebrate it

Gemini: A romantic dinner

Cancer: Spend a full day with him, without any disturbance from his work or the phones.

Leo: A shopping day, where he's going to choose what the outfits is going to be.

Virgo: Buying you a cat that you both are gong to raise

Libra: Spend a day with him and the other band mates that you miss doing.

Scorpio: Having a sleepover night... with... SNACKS

Sagittarius: Having a movie marathon until late at night

Capricorn: Driving to the tree house that he built

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