Favorite food

277 18 23

Favorite food; where some of them is something that they have been eating while others are food I probably like 🤤 😅

Aquarius: 小龙虾

Pisces: 汤圆

Aries: 炸酱面

Taurus: 小笼包

Gemini: 生煎包

Cancer: 凉拌面

Leo: 炒面

Virgo: 炒饭

Libra: 年糕

Scorpio: 包子

Sagittarius: 馄饨

Capricorn: 饺子

~What did you get?
~I got 饺子, but to be honest. I don't know the difference between 饺子 and 馄饨😅

Feel free to request a theme if you want 🤗


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