Fan proposal

208 18 69

How would everybody react if they saw a fan propose to a member of TFBOYS?

Requested by Peacock225

Aquarius: They all hate the fan, for taking their idols away.

Pisces: Some will come to the wedding and some will leave the fandom since they find it unfair.

Aries: The fans will let their idols decide whether or not they will marry them. They won't make a decision for their idols.

Taurus: They are all okay with what's going to happen, as long their idols are happy.

Gemini: The members will tease each other, but will eventually support each other.

Cancer: The media will be exploding with the fan and the member.

Leo: The member finds the proposal unnatural, so he's going to propose for the fan.

Virgo: The fans propose was a fan and idol, and not a husband and wife propose.

Libra: The member will kindly decline the offer, and will invite the fan to their concert instead.

Scorpio: The members will kindly decline and tell the fans that they are still too young to get married even though they are getting older.

Sagittarius: The members made a deal with their fans, that they will forever be married to them all and not only one.

Capricorn: The members all ran away and have been avoiding their fans since one of them proposed. Now they are living happily with their animals. In their zoo called The Frighten Boys ZOO.

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